Hair Loss
I have had a few problems with things like being allergic to Vitamin C. So I have had to improvise on the vitamins. Can anyone help me with this hair loss. Will it grow back? Will I be bald? I am really having a hard time with it. When I was huge the only thing I had was a thick head of hair. Now that is being taken from me.
Can anyone offer me hope that it will recover? I get about 70 grams of protein a day and this has only been in the last few weeks as I was getting sick on meats of any kind. This has finally improved. I am 5 months out at this time. HELP!!
[email protected]

Colleen, don't give up hope. I lost a lot of hair around the same time you did...maybe 3-5 months out. And I have thin hair to begin with. It did start to come back. Even my hairdresser noticed the new growth. My doc told me that it's not necessarily because of lack of protein, but could simply be from sudden weight loss.
I took Biotin, a B-complex, which is supposed to help hair and nails. You can get it at all vitamin stores. I think I took 300 mg. I don't know if it really helped, but it didn't hurt, and it made me feel like I was doing something.
It'll come back...keep the faith.
[email protected]
13 months out, 95 lbs GONE!
I am also 5 months out and also going bald! I hate washing my hair just for seeing all the hair in the drain. I guess I will be thin, but bald. I am also taking the Biotin, I may increase it just to see if it will help. I'm impressed with the protein - you go! I also am having problems with meat. They have taken me back to stage 3 to see if things will improve.
Best of luck!