???? What are you taking for protein?
I use these too, just remember that we can only absorb 30g at a time. So drink half in the am, half in the pm, or split them over two days so that you get your protein worth. LOL! Watch the calories and the serving count on all premixed protein stuff folks, you don't want to push yourself beyond your calorie count either.
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/164/146
BMI- 44.1/28.2/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -93 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
Visit my OH profile or stop by My Weight Loss Journey Website at:
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I have been drinking chocolate soy milk @ 7 grams along with the designer whey chocolate powder that has 20 grams per scoop. It tastes like a chocolate shake and u basically get 27 grams per 8 oz glass. You can also get the soy milk in regular and vanilla flavor and its great for those who are lactose intolerant.
Take a look at the about link. Great info on protein powders and pricing. If you read the difference between whey and soy protein you will see whey is much better for muscle building qualities.
I drink one in the morning and one at night. I use EAS Whey that I got from my local BJ''s for 25.99 for a 6 lbs jug. Good luck, and remember the more muscle you build the more fat your burn. Everybody focuses so much on the cardio they forget that weight training is also super important.