100 g protein?
Your date is so close! Congrats, well as far as your protein intake goes it really depends on which type of RNY you are having and how much intestines will be left to absorb your protein. I personally am a distal so I have to take a minimum of 120 grams. I would ask your doctor how much he is going to be bypassing and as long as your labs are coming back good after surgery then 100 grams might be exactly what you need! The more protein you take in the less sugar cravings your will have and the better your weight loss will be!
Hey Kris
Congrats on your upcoming surgery!
But I do think 100 grams of protein is a bit much. My surgeon said 60, and if you ask a nutritionist they say anything of 60 grams of protein is a waste, and it isn't absorbed into your body. I wouldn't want you taking 100 and wasting 40 of it. Does your surgeon have a nutrionist that you could talk to?
Good Luck!

It is NOT a waste to consume more protein!!! Where did you get such an idea!!! Stick with that idea Stacy and you're going to be losing your hair, girl....
Especially when you start to exercise post-op, your body will need all the protein you can get! You can't build new muscle without protein. Healthy people who begin weight training are told to consume the number of protein grams per day equal to their weight multiplied by .6 to build muscle. We can't follow that rule exactly because we're overweight but it should give you an idea of how protein is needed by the body to protect lean tissue and build new muscle while losing weight. If you don't consume sufficient protein, you will lose lean tissue as well as fat while losing weight and you don't want that!!!
Your body can assimiliate only so much protein in so much time so you have to spread it out during the day and evening. That's the key to helping your body use protein the best. A bit of trivia---Hilary Swank consumed 210 grams of protein a day while training for "Million Dollar Baby." She even got up in the middle of the night to eat!
Most bariatric surgeons say 60 grams a day minimum. If your doctor says 100, do what your doctor says. He knows more ABOUT YOU than me or anybody on this board!!