Soy Vs Whey protein
Is there an advantage of taking whey protein versus soy protein? Should I be taking the soy/whey protein? Also, the salesperson at the health food store suggested that I take a supplement called Bromelain with my protein, he said that it aids in the digestion of proteins; is this necessasry. Will the protein make me constipated? I bought the GNC 100% whey protein, the reviews seem okay, I bought a 6# jug. Should I have bought a smaller jug, it might taste different after my surgery, is that right?
This is my understanding of the things you are asking.
Soy is as good as whey, many use it because of the lactose factor, but if you get a whey isolate there might not be a problem with lactose anyway. Even with whey concentrate you might not have a problem but many do.
The Bromelain seems non sense really, I would not bother with it.
Constipation can be a factor with WLS, when I had it for MONTHS
I used Benefiber which solved the problem. By the time I was about 8 months out the problem was gone.
I use Unjury, it was and still is the only protein I like. I tried them all at GNC and found them icky. If you want to try unjury you can get samples at their site.
Hope I helped you some.