Sugar free chocolate
well, I've been stalled on weight loss for going on week three now.. I've been eating pretty good (I think) and my one little treat when I absolutely can't stand not having something has been these little russel stover sugar free peanut butter cups. I only ever have one a day... And then I took time to REALLY read the label. No wonder I'm not losing weight! The calories and carbs are way more than I thought they were. Because I saw "sugar free" I just assumed they were harmless. This is the perfect example that shows why it's so important to read the labels and be mindful of everything we put into our bodies... that being said, does anyone have any suggestions for sweet tooth cravings. Something that isn't yogurt or sugar free jello. I'm getting so burned out on those. Thanks all!
Like you, I am a big fan of chocolate and my house is always full of chocolates of all kinds because I like to experiment and taste everything. I recently discovered san francisco food tours and was amazed by the variety it offers, so it became my favourite chocolates. I didn't expect to like it so much and even every time I want to give attention to a loved one, the best gift is to buy some chocolates from them because they are wonderful and all of my friends who have tasted so far, they were pleasantly surprised.