
H.A.L.A B.
on 12/25/16 10:19 am

Google SIBO, candida, and FODMAP. . Sugar feed bacteria and candida. Foods Ihigh in FODMAP feed bacteria and candida. 

Once the bacteria colonize your gut it is close to impossible to get rid of them.  

I know I have SIBO and IBS-C.  IBS with constipation. Fiber makes my IBS and constipation worse. Low FODMAP diet, low fiber diet makes my live and my live a much more happy person. 

If I getting of plan - and eat things that makes my condition flares up - it may take up to a week of proper eating to quiet the gut and the the inflammation in the gut. 



Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 1/4/17 12:16 pm

6 year out DS vet here.

For me, bread/wheat-based foods make me bloat and have killer gas. If I can minimize those things, gas/bloating etc improve immeasurably.

I seem to be able to eat sugar if I want to. However, I tend to eat sugar only where it seems essential to the food. For example, I am perfectly happy with equal and half and half in my coffee, and drinking Diet Pepsi, but if I am going to eat chocolate, I would always go for the full sugar variety. 

I must say Equal (the blue stuff) is pretty good in iced tea, on fruit etc... but baking requires sugar. 

My top recommendation at this point, is to do a bit of an "elimination diet"... that is how I discovered it was the wheat that was killing me (belly was bloated to twice its size). So for example - day 1 eat just proteins like cheese and meat... day 2 add veggies, day 3 add fruit, day 5 add rice etc etc etc... 

A few years ago I was here asking for bloating advice and now my tummy is so happy.


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