pre-op diet to reduce liver Dr. Coates Stockton

on 11/17/16 1:47 pm
RNY on 11/22/16

Hi, I was told that i need to go on a 2 week pre-op diet before the surgery. They informed me that if I make a mistake, as in eat some candy or fries, its okay cause everyone makes mistakes.  I ran into someone that has had gastric bypass (not where I am going) she said that they put her on a 2 week liquid diet. They told her that if her liver is not thin they will not before the surgery. I don't remember them telling me this. I looked at all the papers they gave me and nothing. I also know that every surgeon is different. My question is for patients of Dr. Coates Stockton or Modesto California. Did they tell you that they would not perform the surgery if your liver is not thin enough? Did they reschedule your surgery if it wasn't?

on 11/19/16 2:12 pm - CA
RNY on 11/22/16
Oh my goodness Dr Patrick J Coates is my surgeon also and my surgery is at Dameron in Stockton CA! We have to follow our surgeons instructions only as he is the one performing our surgery! Therefore, I think he is the only one we need to listen too! Good Luck!


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on 11/19/16 6:21 pm
RNY on 11/22/16

Thanks for the reply..I am trying to follow the diet had some hiccups but trying. I just wanted to know if my liver is not thin like they want do they not perform the surgery? Oh and mine is at 10:30

on 11/19/16 7:17 pm - CA
RNY on 11/22/16
Who told you that?


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George Eliot 



on 11/19/16 9:11 pm
RNY on 11/22/16

I know other surgeons say this. I don't remember if they said this at the office or not and its not in the paperwork. I am nervous that the days i cheated will affect my liver to where they can't or won't perform the surgery. I really am trying I stopped smoking and stopped eating sweets but a couple times I had some bad foods. I just don't want to get there and than they said unfortunately we can't do the surgery because your liver is not small enough. 

on 11/20/16 3:37 am - CA
RNY on 11/22/16
I go to the Modesto Office so I can only speak to what they have said or not said. I think both offices are run basically the same, as they are supposed to be following Dr Coates rules/requirements. Dr Coates is very different from other Dr's in that he does not buy into a lot of the hipe other surgeons rant about. For instance he will do surgery on you if you are a smoker. Also they set a weight they want you to maintain but then say he does not mind if you gain 5 or so pounds more but don't gain too much!!! He has been doing this surgery for a very long time and he is rated as the best in the state. He understands that we are having surgery to help us with our eating issues that have brought us to him in the first place!!! It dose not matter what other Doctors/surgeons say, Dr Coates is our surgeon not them! If his office did not speak to you about your Liver, nor is it stated in your paperwork that you have an issue , I say stop worrying about it? As far as a pre op diet goes, I have to be on an all liquid diet the day before surgery, (Monday)! Period!!! If they did not speak to you or say you must do a 2 week all liquid diet then stop worrying about it !!! I am NOT a Dr but I don't believe eating junk 2 weeks before surgery can effect your liver that quickly!!! Did the office have you do some sort of tests, where the test results showed that you have an enlarged liver or liver failure? If not I would say stop worrying!!! Calm down!!! Perhaps its more about the change in our eating behaviors that we are facing! Or the fact that you just stopped smoking! God Bless You!!! I quit about 6 years ago but I still vape! I vape about 4 mg of Nicotine a week, which is like 4 cigs a week. The difference is I am not ingesting all the crap they add to a cig! There are studies that speak to what effects pure nicotine has on your body google it!!! I am sure you are a strong and very brave person just for the fact that you are going to have this surgery!!! We are doing this thing for our health!!! The fear of the unknown is perfectly normal, but we are going to bust through that fear, conquer it, and have a great life!!! Talk to you after our surgery! We can compare notes!!! I'm sending good vibes to you and safe wishes for our new adventure!!! The Best To You!
PS: I am having Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday!


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It's never To Late To Be Who You might have been ! 
George Eliot 



on 11/20/16 3:57 pm
RNY on 11/22/16

Thanks for the words. I am gonna try and keep it out of my mind and not stress. I believe I can do this I have come this far. Good luck to you.

on 11/20/16 10:01 pm - CA
RNY on 11/22/16
Of course you can!!! Because you are awesome!!! Oh I almost forgot Turkey broth and Chicken broth are very Yummy ! Great Thanks Giving meal. Talk soon! Maybe I will see you in the Hospital!!! YEAH US!!!


LilySlim Weight loss tickers

It's never To Late To Be Who You might have been ! 
George Eliot 



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