Too Straw or NOT to Straw

on 7/16/16 9:36 am
RNY on 06/06/16

There was an article on this site (can't find it now) about fact or fiction, using a straw to drink with will enlarge your stomach.  According to this article there is no scientific proof that that will happen.

My surgeon's office told me to NOT use a straw for that very reason.  How do the rest of you feel about that? 

There also was another article written by the same doctor about drinking pop (even diet pop) or other beverages that a fizzy.  Again, I was warned to not drink anything "fizzy".  This article said that was also a myth.  Your thoughts on that would also be appreciated.  I'm not a pop drinker so I'm not worried about it.  However an occasional beer would be awesome.  Yes, yes I realize there are a lot of calories in alcoholic drinks.  I'm not talking about right now, but down the road a beer once in awhile would be nice.  I'm just curious what your thoughts are on these two topics.


on 7/16/16 11:41 am
RNY on 03/21/16

I had never heard that a straw would enlarge the pouch but rather it would cause us to swallow excess air.  I have used straws and have not found it to be a problem.  I love beer too but have been afraid to try it because of the carbonation.  I have seen posts from people reporting that they were miserable after drinking it because of the excess gas.  I have had a bloody mary or a glass of red wine occasionally.  I prefer the bloody with top shelf alcohol like Grey Goose vodka.  I read somewhere that our bodies can better process alcohol that has been distilled many times.

RNY 3/21/2016 Highest Weight 232, Goal Weight 135, Current Weight 126

March-20.9, April-15.7, May-11.6, June-13.9, July-7.9, August-7.4, September-7.4, October-6.0, November-5.7, December-5.5


on 7/17/16 6:43 am
RNY on 06/06/16

I had a beer last night.  Maybe not the greatest thing to do calorie wise but pouring it over a glass of ice was oh so nice.  No problems and did not even feel the affects of the alcohol.  Only had one where I was safe and sound at home.    Love beer over ice and a dash or 2 of salt. 

Steph Meat Hag
on 7/19/16 1:04 pm - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

I like straws, and no quack is going to convince me of the silliness like you stated above.  The doc's office tells me silliness like this and I always tell them to go tell that to someone more gullible.  If our stomaches would explode from drinking bubbles or from a straw then they'd rip open from eating learn protein, or sharp crackers, or think up an example.  Our stomachs can handle very spicy hot things, sharp things, heavy things, cold things, and so on, I'm certain bubbles and air from straws are not going to cause me issues.  People make up some of the weirdest things to keep us from gaining weight.  In my personal opinion docs tell us these things to keep us from drinking sodas for example. 

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.

on 7/19/16 5:19 pm
RNY on 06/06/16

I have a tendency to agree with you.  However it wasn't the doctor that told me this (although I'm sure he would agree), it was his goofy dietician.  I have to meet with her tomorrow for my 6 week check up and I'm not looking forward to it.  I don't have a filter on my mouth and I'm afraid if she tells me any more goofy crap I'm going to walk out.  I'm not going to pay for her so called book knowledge.

on 7/29/16 5:04 am

I use straws with no issue. Carbonation is very uncomfortable , I tried some sparkling water and it just didn't feel good, won't call it pain, but a weird sense of fullness and discomfort...I'm good with staying away from it



on 8/1/16 9:31 pm
VSG on 12/29/15 with

I think that drinking from a straw may cause discomfort for some people since you suck in air, but you won't stretch your stomach. My surgeon also told me not to drink from a straw and I didn't for a long while, but I finally gave in because I was having a hard time getting all of my water in just sipping and I have not had any problems. 



on 8/2/16 5:54 am
RNY on 06/06/16

Thank you Kyzze.  I am now using a straw.  It doesn't bother me a bit.  I too was having a problem getting all my water in w/o a straw and besides, it's just easier when I'm at work to use a straw and I think the powers that be appreciate it to to help prevent spills around the computers.

on 9/25/16 2:50 pm

I realize I'm entering this thread a few months late but I just wanted to add my two cents.

I have a drinking problem. I HAVE to use a straw! Navigating a filled glass of water around my MORE than ample bosom, I tend to spill my drink all over my face and chest when I go to drink without a straw! True! LOL. 

As far as pop...yes, I said "pop" not soda  , LOL...I drink a glass every now and then and have never felt uncomfortable, full or bloated. Even without a good burp. Though TMI it feels oh so good when I do let one out! 

on 9/25/16 2:51 pm
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