What types of supervised diets??

on 9/11/15 6:36 pm

I was wondering what type of diet your pcp put you on for the medically supervised diet. I live in Louisiana, have Medicaid and my insurance requires a 6 month supervised diet. My pcp put me on the 3 military diet and gave me a list of foods to eat/avoid the 4 days off. If you haven't heard of the 3 day military diet it is a very low calorie diet usually used for fast weight loss.

I have search online and haven't see any other bariatric patients do this diet and was wondering if I should raise concern with my pcp and ask for a different diet plan or if I should stick with it for the 6 months.



on 9/13/15 4:56 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

Contact your insurance co. and get in writing what they require as a "supervised diet" you wouldn't want to do something for months and then find out it is not accepted. Some plans require a medical weight loss program and documented check in/weigh ins... some just weighs at your pcp or gyno and those will qualify... find out what is specifically required for your plan. 

Here's a link I think you will find helpful re: insurance http://www.obesityaction.org/educational-resources/brochures -and-guides/oac-insurance-guide/helpful-tips

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 9/13/15 5:29 pm

The paper work I received from the surgeon only suggested a calorie controlled diet and documents from my pop saying I completed it. I was curious what others have done (I know every doctor and surgeon is different). The one my pcp recommend seemed very low calories to me. The 3 days on the diet are 800-1000 calories and the 4 days off the diet I am eating 1200-1400. 

Thanks for any information and suggestions. It's very much appreciated. 

on 9/14/15 3:00 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

You want to find out what your insurance will accept though... seriously some are OK with whatever the Dr recommends but some are super specific and want check ins and full on documentation so be sure you verify with them NOT your Dr.

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 10/5/15 12:04 pm
RNY on 08/26/15

I did my 6 month supervised diet with my surgeon. He requires all patients to follow the South Beach Diet. (Low Carb/High Protein). I had to go see them once a month while on the diet and weigh in and talk to the nutritionist. I did this for 7 months (first weigh in didn't count as it was establishing the weight, etc)So I started November 2014 and did my last weigh in June 2015. You will want to eat a Protein forward diet after surgery.

on 10/15/15 12:58 pm

Honestly if you can try sticking out the Three Day Military Diet. Go eat your food with some hunky Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen if that helps! :-)

Seriously, the trick isn't to eat this or that diet, as much, I think, as getting beyond the idea that not being able to eat the way we have will somehow cause us harm or distress. So just look at it as a safety preparation for food to take an entirely different place in your life in future (example: now I often dread going out to eat, before, I lived to do so).

Also you'll drive yourself insane trying to find the 'best' diet, and trying to find a doctor to agree with whatever strikes you as the best. My doc didn't do that but he did have me on 70g protein minimum, 30g carbs maximum, and 30g fat maximum, or nearly that, for six months out; I had to work it out for myself.

If your insurance wants greater supervision, and you honestly can't 'do' the military diet, after deciding if you will be able to 'do' the post-op diet for the rest of your days on earth, ask him about another plan. I think you'll feel better though if you accomplish the six months he wants. No concern with asking him why that particular one of course. It's probably a piece of ... not cake ... delicious broccoli compared to the dreaded clear liquid phase!

SLEEVED 21 May 14 with Dr. B. Greene. Max weight 470 lifetime; 395 pre-op; goal weight 190. Current weight 217; 178 lost so far, 27 to go and keep off.

on 10/22/15 8:42 pm

I am so sorry I am just now getting around to replying to everyone. At my 1 month weight check appt my doctor changed to a different diet plan. I am not sure if it will be a new plan every month or if my dr is wanting to try a few methods but so far everything is going according to plan.

Thanks so much for the kind words and advice.

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