Why no salads for three months?!?!?!?
Salads are harder on you system right out of surgery...... You mostly stay on a softer diet regimen until u heal up some, cause you do t want to u do what the doctor has done or irritate it. When u do start eating salad stuff just eat little bites, see how u tolerate it! There are still a lot of things I can not eat ten years out!
Kim I was actually looking forward to having a big salad. After my 6 week post-op appointment with PA and nutritionist, she gave me the green light. As I was walking out, she reminded me to call her after my lunch. I should have known something was up, so off to lunch I went. Salad wasn't a good friend of my new tummy!
Love yourself for the journey that you've been on, respect your new tummy and introduce salad to it gently. I'm 4 years out and celery, onion, bell peppers still aren't my friend. I"ll wait a couple of months and test those items above. As of today, my tummy still doesn't like them. I can tolerate a few onions or bell peppers in an entree but my "friend" doesn't appreciate it. I truly don't miss them, too many other herbs and veggies out there to enjoy.