Transitioning from Full Fluids to Solid foods - HELP


on 3/30/15 3:37 am - Canada

I get to add in solid foods tomorrow and I am freaking out! LOL, I know the basics, chew until applesauce consistency, separate solids and liquids... etc. I'm just looking for some first hand experience on this. I will be calling my dietitian to make sure I know what I'm doing, I'm just looking for a little positive words from people who have gone through it. And maybe a tip or two.

on 3/30/15 9:08 pm

OK, so don't take this the wrong way, but you have already everything that you need to know in a nutshell :) its normal to freak out, I did too, but when I did, I opened and printed out and posted this on my fridge for simple guidance:

its something that I use and I keep being reminded of the very pure basics of the whole process -eat slowly, stop when you are feeling full, make sure the meal takes at least 20 minutes (because then the stomach sends a signal 'hey I'm full') :)

Perhaps others will have better advice, but from my personal experience, simplicity and the very basics of proper nutrition helped me a lot. Good luck!!!

Had surgery at Nordbariatric, with surgeon A. Maleckas.

on 4/2/15 5:16 am - Cary, NC

As days pass, you will be less nervous, trust me!! I recall my first solid foods were cereal, salad, and wendy's chili.... that was in 2003. I was never on a full liquid post op diet. Actually, I take that back. For one day in the hospital after surgery I was. One thing important to remember is, not to drink anything within 30 minutes of eating. Nothing bad will happen if you do, but your ouch only has room for a certain amount now, and that includes liquids... you want to make sure that you get your protein in before anything else (before you get full, really). Take small bites, and enjoy your food now. We can't have as much as we had before, so we may as well enjoy it... Don't lose your sight on the prize, when you may have moments when you are with family or friends, and everyone is at the table eating a meal, and you cannot eat what everyone else is having, or as much.  My first month post op, I had to eat alone. I was not expecting this to bother me, but it did, until I could get it right in my head. Basically, I was having a pity party for myself for a minute, but it passed. When the weight starts to fall off of you, you will be so grateful! All of your worrying, hard work, etc. will be paying off. It is a journey, and will take a bit of time, but well worth it.... I wish you nothing but the best!!


RNY April 2003 start weight 341 lbs, lowest weight 117 lbs

Current weight 180, changing eating habits once again for goal weight of 160 :) 

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