Back for some love and to get back on track! 5 years out, I'm back!

on 3/8/15 6:09 am - HI

Hey Team, everyone and anyone is welcome on our team, the point is to support and get back on track. 

I went for my follow up with he diet md and he confirmed my progress is going in the right direction. I'm truly not excersing right now, I know I need to but adding in one more thing seems difficult, so I'm adjusting diet and trying to inspire myself to get out and move.... Are any of you aware of what "ketosis" is???? Ketones are organic chemicals produced by the liver from fatty acids, which results from the breakdown of body fat in the absence of glucose/sugar. This process of conversion is called ketosis. By restricting carbs in our diet the body is forced to use fatty tissue as a source of energy. This causes the loss of fat!! You can buy ketone check strips online where you check your urine with a test strip and it will show you if you are in ketosis! This is incredibly motivating as you see the color of the strip change indicating the level of ketosis! I'm in severe ketosis right now indicating my body is burning up fat stores!!! Yay. Make sure you take a high quality multivitamin daily just as our doctor told us to after surgery! Remember how hard eating protein, drinking water and taking a multivitamin was in the early days of surgery?? We have it much easier now as we have fully adjusted to our smaller tummies. So I encourage all of you on our team to kick the sugar and carb**** the protein and water and start seeing the results you are wanting to see. One day at a time my friends, let's get the scale moving in the right direction again! Everyone please take a few minutes out of your day and share with us, we are relying on each other for support and motivation!!! Let's do this!!!! 

Carrie C.
on 3/8/15 9:14 am - Victoria, TX

I've been away for a while too, and have been lurking in shadows reading. I'm 6.5 years out had RNY and from day 1 I had issues 😣 can't tolerate meat to this day unless it's shredded and has sauce/mayo/liquid of some sort. Anything heavy tears me up still. After my brain tumor surgery I gained 40lbs that was in 2011 I did loose about 20. For a good year my weight has stayed within a certain window and won't budge! Now I have osteoporosis, menopause, and absorption issues. Fighting low iron anemia for a year and now low calcium too😳 I'm very frustrated sad depressed etc. I battle fibromyalgia and lumbar spinal stenosis too. It's nice to see others that would understand. Any advice suggestions are welcomed. Ty

on 3/8/15 9:28 am - Dearborn Heights, MI

Can I join you ladies?  I am 6.5 years post op, too.  I have gained roughly 30 pounds back, or at least 30 is the minimum I need to lose to get back to having my clothes fit again.  My biggest downfall is sugar/carbs as well.  However, I found that eating high protein with few to no carbs causes me to become constipated, which is not fun either.  Like Carrie C, I have meat issues as well, at least when it comes to chicken and pork.  I do not eat pork chops at all because I get locked up.  Chicken, if too dry, will also do this to me, as does rice and pasta, so I don't eat a lot of those either.  But I admit to getting lazy and not eating the way I should falling back on quick fixes or grabs that are not healthy.  I really want to get this weight back off.  I am currently getting B12 injections bi-weekly for B12 deficiency.  My iron is very low normal and my vitamin D3 is also low and I take 50,000 units weekly (when I remember).  I suspect my deficiencies do not help my weight issues because my body is now broken again.  Help, please.  

Preop 299
Postop 196
Current 230


on 3/11/15 12:10 am - Austin, TX

The reason for anemia is because your stomachs used to make it. The stomach makes what's called intrinsic. The hormone helps to make B12. B12 helps to make blood cells and grow. So make sure you have enough, cause if you ever are in an accident, well, you're in serious trouble.

Maybe these issue you are undergoing are related to your current weight/health status. I know since I've gained 20 lbs, my joints ache from my neck to my ankles, headaches, and mild depression have set it. All of the things you are undergoing have caused a mental weight on your shoulders, depression is a by product of that, and I'm sorry that you are having to deal with this. I have taken Prozac for awhile until I started to feel suicidal on it; the only nice side effect of that was no appetite, weight loss and sleeping through the night. But exercise is the best mental health medicine out there with no negative side effects. Go walking for 30 minutes a day, and the brain's "feel good"  neurotransmitters will keep working for you for at least 24 hours until you exercise again. I wish I could give you better encouragement than this. Hang on sister.

on 3/9/15 11:23 am

Ok so I failed today with avoiding carbs and sugar but I did get more protein & water in....I did noticed as I eat more protein I do get fuller quicker. I was able to avoid carbs (bread pasta) but the cookies got me. Tomorrow is a new day. I will order the ketosis strips by the time them come I should be sugar day at a time folks...keep it going  

on 3/9/15 1:03 pm

I would love and to join  thanks so posting thought I was alone

on 3/11/15 12:24 am - Austin, TX

Okay, my spring break starts on the 15th, I have some school projects to finish, but I will try to form a group for us. In the meantime, what shall we name our group? I personally like aloha's forum title. Its the only way for me to remember where I'm at, and why I came back. But I will leave to you all to decide what our group name should be...

My personal demon right now is saying no to my mother's cooking. I live with her and she's like 76. She feels the need to feed me because I dont eat as much as her. She keeps telling me that I should at least have some toast or a baked potato, or some carbs for my brain because of all the studying Im doing. She's a carb addict and obese. I have repeated myself to her for 3.5 years and I'm all wore out from the pressure thus I have caved and 20 lbs+.  So I need you all and seeing your motivation will help to give me the willpower I need to keep saying no. Because really that's what I lack - the willpower or self control. I need to regain control in one aspect of my life. So there it is all laid out...I hadnt planned on a self confessional but there it is.

on 3/18/15 2:07 pm

Hi! I am 7 years out! RNY May 2007 Gained 45 poundsand need to get back on track! Help 


on 3/18/15 2:09 pm

 Help Gained 45 pounds 7 years out Need to get back on track also!


on 6/16/15 6:21 pm - Little Hocking, OH

Have you been able to get a group formed.

Debbie K...aka... ANEWME10    
Most Active