Need some support buddies to help motivate.
I am 3 yrs op. Started at 306 and by Mar 2013 I was at 187 and wearing my teenagers clothes!!! :) Then I was hospitalized for an injury and put on predisone for 3 months. I went back up to 216 lbs. I can't seem to lose it. On top of that I have zero appetite....which makes me weak and tired! I could use a virtual pal to help me stay on more than happy to do the same. It's hard when no one in your circle knows what you need or go through.
Are you still on the prednisone? Prednisone if I remember correctly blocks weight loss. How much exercise are you getting. What does your typical eating day look like. When you do eat are you eating healthy or are you eating junk?
How old are you? M or F? This is all info that can help me to help you get back on track.
Dear sweetbaboo90,
I am post roux-n-y. My surgery was in 2004. I can empathize with your frustration. It is my understanding that not eating on a schedule and within protein/calorie guidelines can spell disaster for you. When you don't eat, you throw your body into "starvation mode," which triggers the body mechanisms to hold on to every calorie you take in and send it to STORAGE for later use! Also, you mention how weak you feel. Are you taking your vitamin supplements daily? This too, if you are not religious about it, can thwart your efforts to begin your period of loss again. I know it has been awhile since you posted your concerns. I apologize if I am repeating information you are already aware of. I will check in here later this week, to see how you are doing. Maybe your best bet is to call your nutritionist, or call your surgeon's group to be re-evaluated. It is possible labs are needed to determine a starting point to get you back on track. Don't give up! Move forward! All good things to you!