I'm back and in need of support

on 3/17/13 11:24 am - Sheffield Lake, OH

5 years out, up 35 lbs and completely depressed. I left these boards because i thought " i got this" and well, here i am. Granted, there are many factors in my weight gain, the bare bones truth is i eat too much, too many carbs, don't workout enough, and drink way too much wine.  I started this processs 298lbs. surgery day i was 278. at my lowest i was 155 but looked sick,  i settled in comfortably and looking healthy at 169. had a baby 2 years later and was about 188 after delivery.  after having some major issues with Restless leg syndrome and medication after medication i put on some more weight. I was/am disgusted by what i see in the mirror which started my nightly glass of wine after the kids went to bed.  In January i started over, eating so wonderfully, bought a vitamix and started the juicing/smoothie thing, was working out everyday, took some brutal classes at the gym, and never lost a pound. the medication has some to do with it, but after all that going full force and loosing nothing i've given up, hit the bottom where i think i'm destined to be fat. so i've turned to these boards to find some hope. 

on 4/8/13 2:05 pm - ME
Only advice is to maybe go see a Dietician. Even though you know what to do, listening to a professional talk to you and care may give you that "kick start". Also she/he may have some new info you should know & ways to get back to where you want to be. The wine is definitely something you will have to ditch. Maybe once in a while? But the important thing is DONT GIVE UP! You went to a lot of trouble and hard work to get here, and you can do it again Good luck!

Laura A.


(deactivated member)
on 5/4/13 9:51 am - TX
Hey there! I am so sorry that you are struggling. I know how you feel! About two years ago I was comfortable with my size. I had used HCG and lost 40 lbs and was feeling healthier and sexier. Then my husband came home from Iraq and watching what I ate and exercising became non-existent! Well he deployed again this last November and by the time he deployed this time I had gained about 35-40 pounds again. Since he left I tried dieting and counting calories and such and have been back and forth with my weight! I will lose 10-15 pounds and then gain it back and then lose again and gain again. It has been very frustrating for me as well. So I know what you are going through. However I am now on the losing side again and have been for a few weeks and I am feeling good about it. My problems were cravings and no energy to get up and get moving. Plus when I am bored (or depressed or sad or any mood really..lol) I am hungry.

So what has helped me with this? I came across an all natural supplement that has literally helped me stop the cravings and given me the energy to work out again and get up and get moving. So I know you can do it! You just have to find what works for you! For me it was this supplement! It is literally my saving grace.
on 5/5/13 2:19 pm - Washington, DC

I'm wondering if there is a support group that exists on this board already for those of us who are some years out, and struggling against the battle again.

I had my VSG in November of 2009.  Last summer, at my smallest, I was 145 lbs. lighter.  Then I developed shingles, and, it is like, at that point, things started going downhill.  I has a pretty bad case of them, and they inervated the nerves in my lateral abdominal muscles.  Sitting up was incredibly painful; standing was impossible.  Even lying down had its challenges.  It took several months for me to be even back at 80%.  Then  I developed tendonitis in my hands and wrists, which prohibited me from doing my favorite type of cardio exercise.  After 6 weeks of getting the inflammation down (by doing nothing),I was ready for the surgery, but that, too, set me back.

Of course, all of this fed into my natural inclination for both depression and laziness.  I had felt so much like, if I wasn't "there", I could smell it... and then, the bottom dropped out.  When I am depressed, I eat.  When I am depressed, I'm vegetative.  I know, in my head, that I need to behave "as if", but I find it hard to.

Right now, I've gained back 55 lbs. of what I'd lost.  I've gone back to Weigh****chers, because they provide me with some accountability and guidelines.  I had used a personal trainer in the year after the surgery, but, right now I'm not at a place where I can afford one, so I am hoping to find a compatible "workout buddy" to provide motivation. 

It might be good to look through and see if we can find such a forum, and, if not, see if we can create one.  Share ideas, celebrate milestones, and support one another to get back on track.

M O.
on 5/21/13 10:26 am - Orlando, fl

There is a group called back on track together vwhich might be what u r looking for

on 5/14/13 3:46 am - Hawthorne, CA
Hi All!
I'm back on track as of yesterday. I've gained 35 pounds. I was very confortable at 134 pounds but I went to do some labs and my hemoglobin levels were so low that i had to get a BLOOD TRANSFUSION and IRON IV TRANSFUSION. I got scared and ate heathly and bad at times.

I'm Up with my iron and now I'm ready to go back down. I'm at 169.1 as of this morning and Im starting with small goals. Until I reach 135.

Good Luck at all of us. Lets keep posting.


on 5/14/13 4:13 am - Sheffield Lake, OH
Thanks everyone for your responses. I got off the medication that was creating a lot of depression and exhaustion, yay! But am back on one that causes weight gain, boo! But I've started back at the gym and have been doing a much better job with my diet although I still haven't lost an ounce . Finding/creating a support group on here is a great idea. There are none around me, just one 35 minutes away in a neighborhood I wouldn't drive to at night. It helps to know you're not alone.
I must love myself the way that I deserve to be loved before I can truly love someone else they way that they deserve to be loved.
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