Wheat belly

on 3/13/13 3:16 pm - MA

Has anyone heard of this book? Just another fad. One critic said it's just another version of Atkins. It looks like a bariatric diet.

on 3/19/13 8:53 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

I have it and DH and i have been on it for 13 months. I GAINED weight on it which some people do but I am sensitive to ALL grains not just wheat. Eating from the book DID normalize my cholesterol and triglicerides and i came off statins.


DH has done tremendously on it. he still has to get new labs,he puts it off forever,BUT he has lost 20# and about 10 inches from his belly. his man boobs arfe smaller and he went from an XL to a medium shirt, 42 to 36 pants, and he feels great.


The diet included is lots of meat and vegetables,limited fruit and some vegs limited dairy.  All the recipes we tried have been delicious. DH no longer has that afternoon slump and he loves the variety he has to eat. Guess we will stay on it. I only eat meat,eggs and healthy fat on it,not even any dairy for me.


Check out WWW.wheatbellyblog.com for ongoing info and testimonials.





H.A.L.A B.
on 3/24/13 10:47 am
When I removed gluten from my diet i am now able to control my severe RH... As of now my RH is no longer severe. I still avoid most carbs... Specially starches, but now I can have some fruits, and I no longer get low blood sugar in as middle of the night. I can even 'forget' to eat in the morning and my BS stays OK. I can exercise...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 5/2/13 1:03 pm - NC
Eliminating gluten from my diet has been life-changing! I had BPDDS 2002 with daily diarrhea, abdominal cramping and bloating, and severe uncontrollable flatulence. I thought it was the price I had to pay to lose 150 lbs. but honestly, it was so bad, sometimes I couldn't leave the house. After learning of gluten sensitivity (what the book Wheat Belly addresses), and that it is a result of malabsorption of the small intestine (duh-after bypassing my Small intestine, I've only had 4 feet that absorb anything-food, vitamins, medications, NUTRIENTS), I eliminated bread, pasta, pizza (a particularly bad offender) I have had a normal GI tract. After 11 years! Wish someone had wrote Wheat Belly 10 years ago!
on 12/29/13 12:23 am - Bonita Springs, FL

Just now reading the Wheat Belly book and while I don't think I have gluten sensitivities, my hubby has a wheat belly and craves carbs.  I am hoping that we go GF and it will help him.  Now, what do I do with all the wheat in the house?? Donate, or destroy.  Any recommendatins?  Thanks.  Carol  

on 12/29/13 10:46 am - NC
You pretty much pegged it. Donate or destroy. It is MUCH easier to avoid wheat-based products if they are not around to tempt you. Give it at least a week, it only took that long for me to feel better. Good Luck!
on 12/30/13 9:23 pm - Bonita Springs, FL

Thanks and Happy New Year Blessings.  Carol

on 12/30/13 9:39 pm - Overland Park, KS

My doctor recommended it to April 2013 before my sleeve.  She knew how hard I struggled unsuccessfully to lose weight. I didn't read it at the time and very sorry I didn't.  Maybe I wouldn't have needed the sleeve.  However, my brother found it on his own on audilbe. I am chapter 11 of 16. This is how I will leave my life from now on.  You can't deny the science and clinical evidence he details in the book.  I don't call it a diet.  It is a way to eat considering all the bad things that manufacturers put in our food now. It is making the right choices that I wanted to for the last 6 years.

My sleeve gives me the power now to control myself long enough to implement this way of eating


on 12/30/13 9:43 pm - Overland Park, KS

It's NOT a fad. It's NOT another version of Atkins. It's NOT a bariatric diet. Critics who say any of those couldn't have possibly read and UNDERSTOOD what this book says.

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