Our Food is Killing Us

on 2/1/13 12:35 pm, edited 2/1/13 12:36 pm

I just published an article on HealthCentral that discusses reversing the obesity epidemic. 

Obesity is the most pressing public health issue facing America today. It has reached epidemic proportions and is even harder to treat than the diseases/health conditions it causes. The low treatment success rate associated with obesity is likely because people need to commit to changing patterns deeply woven into social fabric, food and beverage commerce patterns, personal eating habits, and sedentary lifestyle.

The article goes on to explain obesity causes and the solutions that are needed to reverse obesity. I invite you to read the article and then answer at the questions at the end: What do you think is the solution? Are we on the right path to reversing the obesity epidemic or is more needed?

I'd love to get your perspective to inform a research project I am doing. Thanks very much! Here is the link: http://www.healthcentral.com/obesity/c/276918/158905/obesity-epidemic?ic=2602?ap=831

Living life well-fed,


(deactivated member)
on 3/31/13 3:19 pm

The article is great. Well, I could only suggest trying to consider about this Alkaline Foods. Surely it will give beneficial results as long as obesity is concerned. We should always be mindful of the food we intake, as they might really kill us. 

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