help me with an eating plan

on 12/28/12 7:13 am - Beauty, KY

I am 7 years out from RNY.  I have went back to my bad eating habits and my health is suffering.  I am eating carbs, mostly simple sugars, not getting enough protein, skimping on water, you name it.  I feel horrible.  I am weak and tired all the time and have constant aches and pains, wild sugar swings, hot flashes, and bloated all the time.  I have run from one doctor to another and they cannot find anything wrong.  My thyroid is slightly enlarged but all my tests came back perfect.  I am going through menopause.  I know that my diet is a big part of my problem.  A few years ago I went back to the basics of weight loss surgery and started feeling better.  Than life decided to smack me around and I gave up.  I have realized I am my own worst enemy and I am dealing with it.

I have very little income and need to come up with an eating plan I can afford and that would be healthy for me.  So far here is what I have come up with.

Breakfast Choices

micro waved egg on multi grain, high fiber bread, slice of American cheese, coffee with 2tbs super skim milk

cream of wheat with splenda type sweetner and coffee with 2 tbs super skim milk

protein powder in 8 ouces of super skim milk


Lunch and Dinner ideas

boiled chicken, small salad with light Italian dressing

tuna on whole wheat crackers

whatever lean meat I find on sale such as pork, beef, chicken baked or broiled - nothing processed

protein powder with skim milk

vegetarian chili (kidney beans, black beans, corn kernals, and chilli ready tomatoes)

I plan on snack on small pieces of fruit whatever I find on sale during the week.


I would appreciate any ideas for meals and links to websites with cheap food ideas suited to WLS people.

I am going to gradually cut back on coffee and my Coke Zero addiction and drink more water and tea.

on 12/29/12 8:38 pm
Greek yogurt with berries and NSA syrup. I put kashi cereal in too. Yummy!
on 1/1/13 5:23 am

I would eliminate the Cream of Wheat and bread for breakfast choices. I find that starting the day off with carbs makes me more hungry later in the day. 

I also suggest a serving of Greek yogurt. That has become my morning staple. I use 50/50 plain and flavored. You can also sweeten plain with sugar free preserves. Cottage cheese and fruit could be a good choice. Some people start the day off with a protein shake. Perhaps you could have a low fat meat with your egg.

Also try dumping the crackers for now. I have not had any carbonated drinks since surgery. I think that is one reason I could not lose weight pre op. finally try snacking I high protein foods ( string cheese, protein bars and shakes, meat, chicken, protein ice cream). Finally try sticking to the non starchy veggies. (Leave the corn for later after you get to where you want to be. 

Hope this helps. 


HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

on 1/1/13 5:24 am

Nuts are also a good choice for snacks. 

HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

Gina Kidwell
on 1/2/13 1:33 am - Bothell, WA

wow we have a lot in common!! I am 8 years out...and although I don't eat very much and I do eat very healthy stuff I am constantly hungry it seems as menopause is starting to set in!! I started at 285 and am at 170...I really want to be down 20 lbs back to 150..lowest I got was 140 but that was eating vegan and being extremely anemic (just had Irov IV in October) my doctor said ummmmm NO!! so anyway...the peri menopause thing is what has really thrown the last 10 lbs on really really quick!!! I hate it!!  I did the pouch test (you can find it online) and that seemed to help jump start me at one point! my triggers are STARBUCKS ughhh, wine and cheese!  So I am making a resolution(new and forever) to limit my cheese intake and my (fatty) coffee drinks..I don't do soda..I heard it can enlarge your pouch so I limit that a lot! I do love red wine and I am going to limit that as well (sigh) what you have put together so far sounds reasonable!! try the pouch test..I think I'm going to again...and then I will go back to a modified gastric bypass diet..obviously as we are farther along we have the opportunity to allow ourselves a little different types of things...also I have a I make one of those usually every morning...great for getting all the fruits and veggies in!! 

Everything in moderation...including moderation...

on 1/3/13 9:07 am - Beauty, KY

Thanks everyone.  I am trying to cut out as many carbs as I can.  I noticed carbs really set off my hot flashes and mood swings.  I have been sick the last few days and threw my back out again so I have not felt like eating or moving much. I weighed myself today and I weigh 152 lbs.  I weighed 157 before Christmas so I have some how managed to loose 5 lbs even with all the sweets and other stuff I ate.  I did try to stick to the turkey and ham mostly, so it did help just cutting some of the carbs.

I am going to the grocery store tomorrow and I am making a list and sticking to it. I am going to stock up on dried beans, canned or frozen veggies,  what low fat cheese I can find on sale, tea, and water flavoring.  I have been drinking more plain water.  I am trying not to snack.  Once I start, I cannot seem to stop grazing.  Having a set, basic menu seems to work best for me instead of variety.  I also bought some snack size bags to portion everything out.

Money is really tight right now.  I am looking for ways to improve that situation but finding a job after being on disability for so long is not going well.  No one wants to hire a broke down older lady.  

I will keep checking in here and reading how everyone else is doing.  This site is so full of helpful people and inspiration. 

on 1/4/13 10:06 pm - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12

I understand how you are feeling. I was in peri-menopause for 12 years and it was hell. Now that I am in menopause and  I am much better.

I would begin by making small changes and see if that change effects how you feel. Are you keeping a food diary? Journaling can help you figure out what you are eating that is making you ill.

Skim milk has a lot of sugar in it. You should limit your sugar intake to 15 gms or less per day. Full fat milk has more calories but less sugar. Half and Half has no sugar. Fat is not the enemy, sugar is.

You should try either greek yogurt with sf jam and a few almonds for breakfast, or make a couple eggs and bacon with a low carb tortilla wrap.When I worked, i brought my eggs and bacon to work and ate it as I began my day with a bottle of water. For me, cereal is the enemy. The carbs at the beginning of the day make me ravenous for the rest of the day. 

Dumping the sugar will make you feel better fast. You may want to see if removing wheat products makes you feel better. Many are sensitive/allergic to wheat and do not know it until they stop eating it.

I find when i get rid of the sugar and wheat and dairy, I feel like a million dollars.

When I get in a rut and start to fall backwards I do 3 things:

1) Get rid of all the junk in my house

2) Plan, shop, cook, plan--have a weeks worth of snacks and meals available so you stay on the plan.

3) drink 100 oz of water everyday

You have to get your head back into the game. Once your head is in, your body will follow.

Good Luck. You can do this!





on 1/9/13 3:05 am - Hawthorne, CA
Hello Ladies!

I am in the same boat as well. I had RNY in July 2009 and I have gradually gained 40 pounds. I'm not feeling very good with myself.
Pictures that i take make me just angry. I don't like it. Pizza, bread, sweets, anything is bad and my body is hardly reacting to it. I do react to being full fast, but i can come back and eat the rest 30 minutes after. UGH!
I am too here sitting at my desk just reading and taking your tips for my shopping trip to Costco tonight.
I am truly sticking to the 15grams of sugar per day. I really need to also out the carbs.
My body doesn't get along with those foods.
I can't stand cereal. I miss it but my body gets sick with that.
Staying up late during the Christmas break, I came across the SENSA infomercial. So, I ordered the TRIAL supply. I got it on Saturday and now I am doing 2 things daily.
RNY meals with Sensa. I'm such in need to lose these extra pounds by summer.

Food tips really enjoy.
I'll stay tunes here.
Talk to you guys later.
Gina Kidwell
on 9/12/13 2:18 am - Bothell, WA

How is your SENSA thing going? just curious! I am so struggling with peri menopause weight gain! I just need to get my butt moving!!! 

Everything in moderation...including moderation...

(deactivated member)
on 1/21/13 2:58 pm - CA

I for one have tried every diet out there. It seems as if everyday there is a new fad diet everyone is talking about. I kicked off 2013 by changing my diet to Paleo. I am almost a month into this new "Lifestyle" and to be honest, I feel fantastic, mentally and physically! I am full of energy and already have been dropping the lbs! :D I would highly recommend this diet.. 

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