Reactive Hypoglycemia

on 8/21/12 9:14 am
Last week I finally found the right doctor who gave me some much needed and greatly appreciated help for my reactive hypoglycemia. My RNY surgery date is 5/12/04 and since about 2005 I've had problems with my blood sugars plummeting. My PCP looks at me like I have 3 heads and can't seem to understand the problem, the dietitian told me no simple sugars, no fruit, and eat every 2 1/4 hours. It didn't always help - just over a week ago my blood sugar still hit a low of 40 and in fear, I could barely walk from one room to the other. The fear of living alone, dealing with the extremes was crippling me. I went to an endocrinologist, and just so happened to be one who has worked with RNY patients just like me. He prescribed Acarbose, an old diabetes drug. I take one 25 mg. pill with each meal. And, I only need to eat 3 times a day. It has changed my life - I can't believe the relief I felt when he listened to my symptoms and said, "I can fix that." The first day I took it with lunch and when snack time came around - my blood sugar was still within normal range - I didn't need to eat, no shakes, no sweats, no confusion, weakness or blurred vision. How freeing it was for me - now the only thing I have to do is figure out what to do with that time I would have been eating a snack.
The other thing I learned that I didn't know is what causes the problem - the doctor told me that my body still thinks I'm 100 pounds heavier and wants to make insulin for a woman who is much heavier than I am. The drastic swings in my blood sugar are actually caused by eating, but the Acarbose keeps my blood sugars within a normal range. As long as I am cautious I am good. That doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want whenever I want - just three meals a day and still no simple sugars, but I feel so much better.
I'm so grateful today - still so grateful that I've had the surgery, but ever more so to have found another tool for my toolbox.
H.A.L.A B.
on 8/24/12 2:02 pm
I develop my own diet that is helping me not to get the low BS.
I do not eat most carbs, No grains or starches. No fruits. I may eat some Greek yogurt- but only with fat and proteins.   (full fat Greek yogurt).
I found out that fat is my friend. 

do you have and side effects from taking the pill? 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/27/12 5:59 am
My doctor told me eating actually causes the wide swings in blood sugar, and so eating every 2 1/4 - 2 1/2 hours, even on limited carbs made my blood sugar swing up and down. He said my body was still making insulin for someone 100 pounds heavier than me. The only side effects from the Acarbose are gas and dry mouth, but I can live with that. I don't have the fear I had of severely dropping blood sugar - especially while driving.
H.A.L.A B.
on 8/27/12 7:30 am
Thanks.  Gas is something I can't deal with . Have already enough. I may have some adhesions (normal with any abdominal surgery) and any gas is causing pain. Low gas - lower pain - more gas - lots of pain. I do avoid things that may casue extar gas.
For me the low carb - high protein and moderate fat diet works.  I can - but do not have to eat every 2-3 hrs.  My carbs come from non starchy veggies, nuts, seeds, and some yogurt.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/27/12 7:46 am
Thanks - I'm glad to know that works for you. I tried following just eating more nuts, seeds and no fruit or any sugar. I was going crazy and still crashing. I found I was constantly running low blood sugars, even with that. I don't like the gas either - I'm a bit shy about passing wind in public, but the fear of crashing, especially when I'm driving or alone is too much. I will learn to get over the embarrassment. That's one thing I've learned though, that nothing works for everyone. We're all different and it's a good thing.
Be very well :-)

H.A.L.A B.
on 8/27/12 1:09 am, edited 8/27/12 1:09 am
I know what you mean. It took my body 1-2 weeks of the low carb high fat diet to stabilize. I also discovered that the Sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners - some or most of them - my body my think it got sugar.  Once I removed that - and gluten - I got much better.

But I really tested my body maybe 1-2 months into the diet?  I got a horrible headache and could not eat a thing. And I realized that I was OK and my BS was OK.   Normally - if I did not eat something within 1 hr of getting up I had had a sure crash to follow.  Not this time.
I am glad the pills are working for you. And it is good to know that they are there if I ever need to go that route.  Thanks for posting the info.
BTW: have you try the extend product line?  I don't care for the bars - but the little bites are not bad.   They have starch that digest supper slow.  Walmart and other places sell that in diabetic supply isle.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 2/7/13 3:14 pm - Belle Vernon, PA
I had reactive hypoglycemia so badly I would have clonic-tonic seizures and pass out then not remember anything for three days. It eventually cost me me job but I am also living alone for the time with my autistic 20 year old son in Jerusalem. He lives in constant fear of the seizures.

One day my endocrinologist told me she wanted to try acarbose. I felt like I got my life back. I can eat ANYTHING. Not that I do but I CAN. Say I want a rich dessert, I take 2 acarbose and I am fine. Sine I had my rny in June of 2009, I know how much I can eat and I haven't really gained any weight except during the time before acarbose when I ate constantly so I wouldn't seize.

This was a two prong problem as well because I was also working with my psychiatrist who felt that it wasnt ALL rny related because I'd get auras. So she added tamoxifen and I am right as rain to be honest. Glad I had the surgery, glad the seizures are gone and also glad the auras I had even before the surgery are gone.


5'5"   SW - 208  GW1 - 138  GW2 - 108 Lowest W - 108  CW - 158.5

Seeking revision from RNY to DS due to extreme hypoglycemia

Original surgery June 24, 2009        

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