Caloric question from one who's already 7 years out...

on 12/12/11 8:24 am
 Ok. So here is my frustration. I am 7 years out from my Roux-en-y. Currently sitting at 5'2" and 140 lbs. for about 5 years I stayed at a steady 130 and was perfectly happy with it. Then long story short, I put on a few pounds and ended up maxing out at 150. 

I have been able to get myself back on track and start exersizing again, in the last 6 months I have dropped the 10 of the pounds I had gained. The thing that has me at my wits end is.. I cannt lose these last 10. Now I know everyone says that, big, thin, fit or not, but for 5 years I maintained 130 then gained. My diet is Seafood, Chicken, Turkey... in that order. I eat salads and only eat the occasional hershey kiss or M&M (my daughter and I still split the single serving bag.) My Carolic intake is around 800-900/day. (A "bad" day I may hit 1100) Carbs/sugars low, protiens high with an average of 3 times a week cardio and weights. My nemisis? Tea. Loads and loads of tea. Earl Grey, Bergamont, Green, Luzianne. I love my tea. I do sweeten with Sweet n low... one packet for every 16 oz, so not much, but I can drink a gallon + of tea/day if I have a large cup and a straw.

I cannot lose a pound. I hit 137, bounce back up to 142. My average stays right there. I have upped my cardio, I have increased my water, decreased my caffinated tea. I cannot lose and have been juggling these same pounds for 8 months now.

I am concerned with dropping my caloric intake below 800 due to the body's natural "starvation" mode, however, shouldn't I be loosing the weight on the restrictive diet I have now? Or should I just assume that my bodies ability to process foods has changed that drastically from a "normal" body that I require even less to maintain certain weights? 

I am so confused, frustrated.. all of the above and every cuss word in between. Any other long timers going through this?
H.A.L.A B.
on 12/20/11 6:38 am
yes yes and yes.  You most likely are already in starvation mode.

Some people just can't lose beyond their "body set point" no matter what they do.  Unless they restrict the calories and damage the muscles.

Has your cloths size changed?  maybe you got more muscles and more bone mass and there is not much you can do to change that?
maybe not...
I never can lose on restrictive calorie diet.  But if I cycle daily calories - I start losing.  i.e. average calorie intake should be 1000 per day.  That's 7000 per week. One day have 700, and then the next 1100 or 1400, and so on.   Play with your food, increasing fat and proteins one day, and some carbs (with fiber - veggies fruits ) another  day.  Some claim what is the body is like that - you may need to trick it to think it may get more calories so it would release some fat...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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