vitamin levels

(deactivated member)
on 9/11/11 9:49 am
just got my levels checked and I'm low on the iron end!!! I'm not due for PS til DEC and I feel like I have a chance to get that up so I don't have to reschedule!!!! Ive been taking my vitamins faithfully and was advised to double up. I was just wondering what type of iron everyone takes as I'm worried the brand I'm taking might just not be working for me..and I need a refresher on the vitamin rules.. I'm taking my  my calcium in the am and my multi, b12 and the iron at night maybe I need to switch it up? also is it true that maybe I should give up coffee because it lowers my iron? HELP!!!!!
on 10/27/11 2:37 pm - Temecula, CA
 I don't know if you got the answers you were looking for but I am nearly 6 yrs out now and I ran into a slight problem regarding my iron levels. All but my b levels were well within the normal range when I had my anual in june but my iron came back so low I was on the borderline of having to have a transfusion. simply taking supplements wouldn't work. I now have to go to a hemotoligist to get regular iron infusions and am now at normal levels with my hemoglobin and hemetocrit. The hemotologist told me that she sees on a regular basis people who are in the same situation as me and usually doesnt present until 3-5 yrs out. Not really a major issue since I have the issurance to afford the luxury of getting such treatment. Just be aware to keep a good grasp on those Iron levels so they dont drop to low. Good luck and I hope this info helps a bit.  research it online because there are certain foods maybe you can eat to help you absorb the iron and calcium better. 
Good Luck,
on 12/3/11 2:27 pm
 The problem with iron - is that most of them aren't absorbed by us. So.....if you are already low - you will likely have to do infusions first, and then start taking a good bioavailable supplement (such as celebrate).
There is supposedly a new drug out that after your infusions - will help you to maintain but I don't think it works too well...
Are you still having periods? Are they heavy? Are you done having babies? If so it may be worth it to have Novasure - it's where they go in and cauterize the lining so you don't have periods anymore. I had it done and now my period is literally one spot the size of a quarter. 

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