
on 1/16/11 12:58 am - Norwich, NY
Well, I'm almost 2 years out, below my intended weight and have had several ulcers and bouts with constipation.  Usually, I take Miralax, colace and acidophalous everyday.  I just spent 3 weeks with constant nauseau, only to find that it wasn't an ulcer this time, have a ct scan and show that I was just full of "it". 

I've learned to increase my miralax when I haven't gone all week, but this was a time when I could tell you I was backed up.  I knew I wasn't going often in large amounts, but I didn't feel bloated like I have in the past when constipated.  So the PA in my program told me to up the miralax to every three hours, keep taking the colace and use a laxative like correctol if it isn't working.  It took two days of increased miralax to get me going and 2 days to get enough out to start to feel like I was empting out. 

Anyone else with serious constipation issues?  I'm requesting a GI consult, but just wondering if anyone with experience out there can help me.

A Success!!
RNY  3/24/09
Start Weight / Surg. / Last Dr. Appt. 
  248 (plus) / 234 / 133 (5/9/11)          
on 1/19/11 4:42 am
I too am experiencing terrible constipation and severe nausea. If I miss a day taking laxatives, that messes up my entire week and I typically wait days and days before I can go again. Does anyone else have anything else that works? I have tried Miralax but that doesn't seem to work well for me so I stick to what works - too many laxatives. Will this ever level out?
on 1/25/11 11:25 pm - Houston, TX
Milk of Mag. WORKS GREAT,

Here is what I do. Drink a Protein Shake as soon as you wake up, Then drink a full CUP ON MOM, Wait about 20 minutes then start drinking some water. I usually have a BM in about 2 Hours and then a couple more throught the day. Really cleans me out.
on 2/8/11 12:42 am
I have the same problems, and your beginning weight and current is basically like mine. do you drink mom everyday? or just when the problem arises.
FlippyChick 33
on 2/21/11 12:23 am - Memphis, TN
I am just like you on the pooing! I have been having to take 2 exlax at bedtime for a while now. I am 8 years post-op and this didnt start for me until about 2 years ago.
I have also found this tea that has "senna leaf" in it that I drink during the day. The tea is called  Super Dieters Tea and it is about $6 a package. This for me works, but I am going to see a gastro doctor in a few weeks just to see why I am doing this.

During surgery they found a pancreatic tumor on my small intestines and had to remove an additional 8 inches to take out the tumor. I am worried that the lack of ability to go is from this surgery to remove the tumor.

Let me know how the tea works for you. Here is a picture of itSuper Diet Tea - Cranberry Twist, 30 bag
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