Sugar Free W/O Aspartame (Nutrasweet)??!!

on 12/17/10 11:49 am - Lumberton, NC
I just had my surgery (12/14) and am on the liquid diet for now.  I'm supposed to have Sugar Free (as well as for the rest of my life) but I am allergic to Aspartame (Nutrasweet).  I've had to resort to making my own from scratch jello because I can not find Sugar Free Jello that does not have Aspartame in it.  I'm supposed to be eating Sugar Free Popsickles but Good Luck finding one that doesn't have aspartame, isn't made from real fruit and doesn't contain sorbitol.  

Am I alone in this dilema?!  I know I CAN'T be the only person who's had this surgery that can't have aspartame.

Anyone know of some sources for Sugar Free without Aspartame -- not afraid of online if that is my only source!

(deactivated member)
on 12/18/10 6:03 am - Switzerland
 In my opinion the only non-caloric sweetener that humans should consume is Stevia. It is a natural product, not artificial and tastes really, really close to sugar and tastes best when sweetening milk products. Some brands may have a slight licorice after taste. When I lived in the states I used to get it at Trader Joe's and I would guess by now that Walmart should be carrying it. Also as a caloric sweetener take a look at Palm sugar. It is caloric but its glycemic index is only 35. Table sugar is 70 and most potatoes are usually in the 80's.

on 12/28/10 5:41 am - Bethlehem Twp., PA
I chose not to consume Aspartame.  I had surgery in August and I have been successful at finding foods without Aspartame.  I did find some Popsicles made with Splenda, they are in a box called Healthy Mix or something, it is a yellow Popsicle box with a mix of Popsicles, Creamsicles and Fudge bars, all made with Splenda.  I found them at Wegmans. 
I have also found SF jellos made with Splenda, but I don't think they are very good for us nutritionally.

I cook with Xylitol and use Stevia in coffee, etc.  I have found Stevia, Xylitol and Maltitol in regular grocery stores lately.  The other options are out there.

Good luck!

Pam G.
on 12/31/10 1:09 am - Pierre, SD
I have the same problem and also have had a terrible time finding enough splenda sugar free products. 

Someone told me the store brands were made with splenda - not in my grocery stores (SunMart or CashWise) and we dont have any National Brand Grocery stores in my area.  Even WalMart doesnt seem to have much (at least the ones here) made with Splenda.

Someone told meabout the website 4C, but I havent had too much money to order anything yet.

I also bought knox gelatin after seeing a recipe for sugar free jello made with that, but havent tried it yet.  I have a box of truvia packets and a bag of splenda for recipes.

Not sure if this helps but your not alone with that allergy.

Pam G     

FlippyChick 33
on 2/28/11 12:42 pm - Memphis, TN
i make my own jello with knox, sugar free kool-aid(the kind in the flat packs), and splenda. It is not as good as the real thing, but I can come up with some pretty amazing flavors that Jello doesnt carry.

I have the same Aspartame problem. It affects my Lupus terribly and I use splenda, sun crystals, or stevia. Another good product I have found that is natural is Blue Agave Nectar which comes from cactus plants.
Good luck!
Heather W.
on 12/30/12 3:15 am
I really could use the same advice. I have a really hard time with all the above. (Splenda, stevia, aspartame, nutrasweet, etc.) I have epilepsy and lupus and they are triggers for me. My surgery is this coming month and I am trying to prepare my menu. If anyone can give me ideas of unsweetened items it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
on 3/3/11 1:42 am - FL
finally i am not the only one....i have been on a search trying to find stuff too...i am pre op so i am just in the beginning stages...i did find the jay robb protein shakes they have stevia in them....i found some juice type of protein drinks at vitalady that have stevia in them i am waiting for samples to come in the mail...
what is the jello receipe you have made..i did get a box o knox gelatin, but not sure what to do with it..i have been thinking about using flavored extracts....i know alot of people are using the sugar free torani syrups, but they have splenda in them..i did find some natural flavors of syrups with stevia, but the shipping was WAY to much..more than the cost of the products i was going to i nixed that..

anyhow, please feel free to email me at [email protected] as i would love to chat with others that do not use artifical sweetners...
please put weight loss in the subject line so i will recoginize the email.
have a great day
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