on 11/4/10 5:35 am - St. Paul, MN

I am new to this site..but I figured who better to ask then others who understand. I had rny surgery 6 1/2 years ago and lost a total of 155 lbs..over the last 2 years at least I have been gaining weight. Only a little at first but in the last 6 mos have gained 30 lbs. I am depressed and eat my feelings which how I got to 360 in the first place. I never exercised just lost the weight by the small amounts of food I could eat. I have no motivation to start either...I am still eating smaller amounts but lots of sweets and carbs. Any suggestions?

on 11/5/10 4:56 am
We are in a very similar situation.  I can SO relate to you.  I had my surgery 5 years ago (Dr. Weatherille for me, too!).  In the last 2 years, I have gained more weight back than I care to admit.  I'm certainly not back where I started from, but I've gone up a number of sizes.  I am very unhappy about it, and I feel ashamed, like I should have not let it happen.  But, I am turning it around.  I am determined to turn it around.  I started on September by starting to work out again.  3 days a week, a set schedule, and then I also started coming back on these OH boards for support.  I have kept up that exercise plan since September 1 (with a few misses).  So I'm proud of that.  In October, I did the 5 Day Pouch Test.  I'm not necessarily recommending that, because people have to do what is right for them and heed their doctor's advise first and foremost.  But for me, it was a way to get me back on track, to see that I CAN eat smaller amounts, resist bad foods, etc.  Since then, I have been doing much better.  Certainly not perfectly, but better.  I am trying to stay away from sweets and carbs, because they are the worst for me.  I do not like the way I feel at this point - I don't feel "good" about my body anymore.  I feel "fat" again.  But, I am determined not to let this go on any further, because then I will just have all that much MORE to lose. 

I don't know if any of my comments will help you, but this is a great place to come for support and encouragement.  You should check out the Minnesota Forum, too - that's pretty active.  And there is also a "Back on Track Together" group that I recently joined that I like.  They have an area where they tell you again the "rules", and it is a good reminder.

Whatever you do, don't give up!!!  And start to turn it around now, before you slide any further.  I wish I had started to turn it around earlier, but I am where I am, and I have to start from here.  Also, keep coming back to these boards - they do help for inspiration and motivation.

All the best to you!

on 11/6/10 9:07 am - SoCal, CA
I am sorry you find yourself in this position, but everything you stated is reversible. You have acknowledged your weaknesses; sweets and lack of exercise. By stating it, you can now own it and make plans to counteract the cravings. Being so far out from surgery puts you in the "boat" of people without surgery. You need to decide not to let this take hold anymore and not rely on the excuses for poor eating. Take one day at a time and set your goals short term, i.e. 5 pounds by Dec. 31. Smaller goals make getting to the ultimate goal do-able. Step by step...Keep the bad food/candy out of the house. Take a walk, find something you can do everyday and gradually build from there. You say you have no motivation...well, no one but you can light the fire! If you don't want to just sit in a corner and feel sorry for yourself for getting fatter every day, then you light the fire and fight! Fight for control back, fight for the right food choices and ultimately fight for your life. Go back to the basics...high protein, low carbs, lots of fluids and move your body! It's simple arithmetic. Eat less calories and burn more calories. Keep and be honest with a food journal ( The weight will fall off, but commit to yourself, your future to honestly and openly fight the food "demons".

Sounds harsh, but if you just sit back and "woe is me" all over the place...then you will join the many who have regained in grand proportions...and then you will be really depressed and for good reason. Stop now, make a plan and starting Monday get it on!

I am approaching 2 years out and keeping the weight off is getting harder all the time. I can eat around the RNY, but have chosen not to, I do not want to go back where I was and how I felt. Just take one day at a time, be held accountable for what I put in my mouth. If I have a bad day, I "get over it" and start again the next day. Exercise is not always what I want to do, but I know it's what I have to do to be allowed to eat. People ask me why I run 4-6 miles per day??? I tell the I am "running from what I use to be" and secondly, it allows me to eat 1200 cal/day instead of 800 just to maintain my weight. As we get older our metabolism slows and this allows for easier weight gain. Bottom line...keep moving.

That's enough for now, I hope it helped me just re-state it to you, so thank you.

You can do it, do it for yourself and the person you never want to be again!

on 11/8/10 2:56 am - St. Paul, MN

Thank you so much for the advice I actually copied and pasted both posts so that I could hang them on my refrigerator to remind myself I am not alone.

What is worse on some days is that my boyfriend is basically a body builder and lifts weights nearly everyday right in my dining room. He has told me he could help if I wanted him too. I tried that once 2 summers ago and I was so sore for a week that I told myself I could never do that again...he is available to help whenever. I think if I just stop eating the "junk" I will lose weight. He tells me all the time I can eat more if I exercise more. Of course, more its getting cold here in good ole Minnesota. I did start walking this summer once a week a mile or two. So I know I can do it. I even have had girlfriends of mine say they would go with me. Ok I am talking myself into this. I will start.TODAY

on 11/9/10 10:50 pm - SoCal, CA
Check out the "Exercise and Fitness" forum. A great bunch of people hang out there offering advice and support in ways to work yourself into an activity plan, etc...It's all about "moving"!
on 11/10/10 3:30 am
U ladies may have a fistula and that helps u eat more, hence weight gain. ask your doctor for a ct scan of abdomin and pelvis to see if you have one. I had the similar situatin and they found two fistulas. I had them repaired and revision and I am 55days post op and have lost 75 pounds. It is not a walk in the park, but I feel a lot better and I am losing again.
Julie in Illinois  Dr. Kokocharov for revision.
Lisa Martinez
on 11/14/10 8:30 am - TX
This is certainly not for everybody, but OA helps me.

Think about it...
Lisa D. Martinez
OH Support Group Leader - Fitter Healthier Happier

                    ** OH Magazine Promo Code: Martinez11 **

Jennifer E.
on 11/19/10 4:41 am - Dallastown, PA
this may be a stupid question but what is OA?

Jenn E.

Lisa Martinez
on 11/19/10 9:51 pm - TX
No such thing as a stupid question.....

OA is Overeaters Anonymous, following is the link so that you can read about it:


Lisa D. Martinez
OH Support Group Leader - Fitter Healthier Happier

                    ** OH Magazine Promo Code: Martinez11 **

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