Aaaargh - Appetite has returned.

(deactivated member)
on 9/1/10 4:15 am
So....I was enjoying my life of exercising and losing weight - almost got to goal.  I was within 4lbs (154) of my goal.  Made a move with hubby and now....14# have found their way back onto my body within 3 months!  Granted - I was working out everyday and stopped.  LIterally STOPPED.  I eat and crave everything under the sun and now....I'm 168#!  I was a size 6/8 and am now a 10/12. seems my hunger never ends.

Dang....I was doing great!  So...I've decided to start walking at lunch and then weight lifting at night (we have a great home gym that is collecting dust).  I became a personal trainer so I know what to do however that doesn't mean I do it. 

Any encouragement will be most helpful!
on 9/2/10 3:05 am
I am so there with you.  I am post op 7yrs and I am gaining like crazy.  I have to say I don't really eat much I drink wine so this is where my calories are put on.  I always had alcohol, but in the past year since I started with wine it is my evil twin.  I need to just stick with the vodka and sugar free kool aid.  I wish you lots of sucess in your journey.
H.A.L.A B.
on 9/2/10 3:42 am
I notice that the more carbs I eat - the more I crave them. Get hungry - almost all the time.
So - i decided to work on that - I eliminated some carbs that I know made me feel more hungry (most starches, some high glycemic fruits, etc.) My cravings went away - and they stay gone most of the time.  I still snack - and eat 6-7 small meals a day - but now - i make better choices  
If I get hungry more than usual - (like I am today) I look at the previous day "menu" and try to think if i had something that may have triggered the cravings. In my case - yesterday i had some grapes.  I love grapes - specially muscadines - but if i eat them - the next day - i feel so hungry.  The grapes have more sugars that my body can handle - so if i eat them - I pay for that the next day.  
Same for me is with bread, and any other starches; also bananas, mangoes, and some sweeter fruits, etc.).
if my weight is stable - or low - then i know I can "afford" to eat more, but when i try to lose weight or it is high in my range - I try to cut back on carbs (except green - nonstarchy veggies, berries- 2 servings, etc. )  Milk also affects me like that.  I can have 2-4 oz. more than that - and I may either dump or get low BS later.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

(deactivated member)
on 9/2/10 12:24 pm
Thanks for your responses!  I am a personal trainer so I KNOW WHAT I SHOULD DO *sigh* however, you are right....lower the carbs.  I've been craving carbs, carbs, carbs and it is because I'm not looking at the glycemic index and following what I know works.  Ok...back on the saddle again!   Thanks for the motivation!
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