how do you stop snacking?

on 6/2/10 12:30 am - Brooklyn, NY
I noticed a trend/issue in the past month or two.. it's kind of on and off, but I noticed that sometimes I am almost obsessively snacking ALL DAY. I don't know what to make of it.

I was never really much of a snacker before... but starting sometime in late March or early April, I noticed that when I'm at home- I tend to snack. A LOT. Like, I'll have dinner... and sometimes I'll fill up more than I know I have to, and then maybe an hour or two later I'll snack. And then snack again... I don't know what's going on with me.

And the past few days I noticed I started doing this at work also. I started craving snacks, so I bought candy (I know I shouldn't). And yesterday I had 1/2 a bagel (even though really that's too much food for me), and then 1/2 a quesadilla for lunch... and then half an hour later, a bit more, and then I ate a cupcake and then some gum and other candy throughout the work day.

I don't know what's going on with me! It's like- every time I'm eating lately, I make it a point to REALLY fill up. I know that there is a point where I'm full and I'm fine.. but if there's a bit more left on my plate, I'll wait half an hour and then finish that, and then I'll keep snacking throughout the day. And all the while I am totally recognizing that the feeling in my stomach is saying "YOU ARE FULL". I never get to the point of throwing up (like I used to when I was first getting used to the smaller stomach), but still... I am definitely "filling" myself up way more than necessary. I feel like I'm compulsively overeating, even though my stomach is so small. What do I do?!
Weight Loss Surgery (gastric bypass): 1/13/09
Lower Body Lift/Tummy Tuck + Arm Lift + Breast Augment: 4/19/10
SW: 220, GW: 115, CW: 120
on 6/6/10 8:32 am - Erie, PA

I wish I had an answer for you.  I had my surgery a couple years back and slowly started snacking.  I am now UP 30 pounds and hate myself!!!  I started snacking just a little bit - a bite of a dessert, a little bite of chocolate.  Now I am way overboard and never seem to get to the point where I feel like throwing up.  I am truly not hungry when I do this, I think it's just old habits starting to come back.  It is really scarey for me.  I am still down 120 lbs from surgery but feel like I am HUGE from gaining the 30lbs. 
My suggestion would be to snack on something health - maybe a yogurt smoothie, fat free chocolate pudding, and try to keep as busy as you can.

318 - highest
308 - preop
165 - goal


on 6/7/10 2:42 am - CA
the snacking you are doing will come with negative consequences if u don't make some changes>>>>u can snack all you want, but you had also better increase your physical activity to counter the extra calories you are taking in everyday...........if u must snack go shopping for items that are low in fat, or fat free.items which u think u may like however, also try and make them as low in calories as possible..........don't get used to snacking on anything that will add high amounts of sugar, calories ,to your diet without adding alot of nutrition (no candy)......

Ive been in this same boat u are in for several months now., including over eating at meal time, i will also keep eating even though i recognize that I'm full,........but Ive also done everything i just suggested for work now i have several individual baggies of snacks,
honey mustard pretzels, dried fruit, trader Joe's salad (240 cals w/dressing), a Cliff bar, and ginger crisp little cookies........and a Isopure protein i may not eat all of this today, but certainly by tomorrow morning it will be gone, but i also ran 6miles yesterday, and i"ll probably go walking after work today (about 5miles)...........u cant have it both ways............if u find u cant stop snacking ,get to working out more.........i've eaten a ton of snacks over the last several months, but Ive maintained the same weight for the last 6months................For What its Worth.....
on 6/8/10 5:01 am - Boynton Beach, FL

There's nothing wrong with snacking…most active people should be eating about 6 times per day…that would be 3 scheduled meals and 3 scheduled "snacks"….of course the important part is *what* your snacks consist of….personally I eat every 3 hours like clockwork: 7am 10am 1pm 4pm 7pm and 10pm…this will keep your blood sugar in check…your energy up….and importantly your hunger / cravings at bay….

Just as an example here is a typical day for me:

7am - oatmeal + 1/2 banana ( I add natural pb / protein powder / milled flax or sf preserves / etc)

10am - some low fat cheese and/or raw veggies in ff ranch or nuts / soy beans

1pm - lean protein (chicken, fish, etc) + veggies (usually leftovers from last nights dinner)

4pm - oatmeal + 1/2 banana ( I add natural pb / protein powder / milled flax or sf preserves / etc)

7pm - lean protein + veggies + starch

10pm - yogurt w/ strawberries

-Adam - 6'6" - From 450 lbs to GOAL in 9 months...
Phase 1: Completed 10/2008.
Phase 2: Weightlifting - Goal: Add 40 lbs of muscle. Completed 2/15/2011.
Phas 3: Cut to 10% body fat.

on 6/23/10 8:18 pm - Chantilly, Italy
Hello Irina,
we all tend to snack all the time because food just tastes good!
Now excuse my bad english, i am italian.

You say that you are doing it when you're at home... So one solution could be that of not buying any "snackable" foods. Just buy fruits, veggies and stuff that needs to be prepared and cooked (like pasta, chicken, fish...)
Once finished with your meal, you will look for something to chew on and find nothing but apples, peaches, carrots and similar. Things you CAN chew on as much as you like, I suppose.
Of course, there may be a problem with your family members, who probably want to have potato chips, cereals, sweets and bread in the house.

Another solution is the one I used while I was pregnant: whenever I felt the urge to snack, I drank a glass of water (plain water!) and waited a few minutes.
Often (not always though) I'd just start doing something and forget food for a while.

Last but not least, consider finding yourself a good therapist. Like a psychologist or similar. Food intake is deeply connected to our emotional universe and recognizing or solving our personal issues can really result in a better relation to food.

Take care!

on 7/13/10 4:30 am - Amarillo, TX
Can you schedule your snacks? I allow myself 2 snacks a day, once in the afternoon and once at night (I don't bother with a morning snack because I eat breakfast around 8 (earlier if I have time to eat at home, otherwise I just pack it and bring it to work) and lunch sometime after 11:30). I don't always eat the healthiest thing, but I find if I stick to a schedule, I'm less tempted to eat outside of it.
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