Will this diet work?

on 5/22/10 4:26 pm - lancaster, PA
I am wanting to go on a very strict diet, i was going to start the prcess for the gastric bypass surgery, but i have been wanting to have a baby for awhile now. I want to lose some weight before i do try to get pregnant. So i am going to try a diet that i came up with. I was going to try to eat boneless skinless chicken and one of those small boxes of green giant veggetables and some ther thing on the side and lots of water. The chicken i am talking about is 1 piece out of one of those boneless skinless bags of chicken you get from walmart. That would be for dinner. And for lunch i would eat an apple some yogurt a water and idk a nutri grain bar. And breakfast, well i usually can't eat breakfast because it some how make sme feel sick, but i suppose i could eat a cup of applesauce some water and something else. And snacks in between would be probably nutri grain bar or something similar or some kind of fruit.
For the chicken i was thinking about baking it in the oven with light seasoning. But i was thinking about having the same kind of chicken for dinner every night. I don't eat much meat except for hamburger meat or hamburgers. or some times i will eat pork chops but the small boneless ones.

So does this sound like an okay way to lose some weight? Of course i would be trying to work out. I have a recumbent bike and i go to the park for long walks with my son and my boyfriend all the time.

Also, would drinking other things like juice or tea or what other kind of substitute could i use so i can drink something other than water. I was thinking something like crystal lite single powders to go in my water bottle.
Thanks for reading!
on 5/23/10 3:32 pm - Suffern, NY
First, don't skip breakfast.  That is the first way to screw up your metabolism. Even if you just eat some yogurt, a couple of cheese sticks, cottage cheese, a protein drink (adkins or slim fast = low carb) you need protein first thing - so applesauce won't do it.  That will raise your blood sugar making your more hungry later in the day.  For lunch, try having a scoop of tuna or chicken salad with a piece of fruit so you can have the yogurt for breakfast.  You need more protein for lunch than a yogurt.  Your dinner is fine.  For snacks, you want some type of protein - the fruit or nutragrain bar is fine but have a piece of cheese or some nuts to go with it.

Drinking alot is very important. The powders that you add to the water bottles are fine just make sure they are sugar free.


on 5/23/10 11:46 pm
Count calories!  That's what determines whether you lose weight.  Shoot for 1200-1800 cals/day.

Your diet sounds good, except that I'd only eat 92%+ lean hamburger, which precludes getting them at a restaurant.  Lean pork is fine.  Chicken is fine, as long as there's no skin or breading.  Juice has too much sugar to drink more than occasionally.  Any low/no calorie beverage is fine.

Take pre-natal vitamins.  This is extremely important if you're going to get pregnant.

on 5/31/10 7:33 pm
Yes don't skeep breakfast, find something that you can have every day for breakfast without feeling sick, your diet loo good but to refine it, I would go for anything that isn't in a box... Natural Chiken brest that you buy row... as you mention take the skin off and boil it or bake it, as for veggies, same thing  not in a box, and row as much as possible, eat the equivalent of one brest for 2 carrot and one apple, cahnge the veggies and the fruits how you preffer it and the chiken for fish or any thing else keep the animal fat away, eat many times a day 4 to 5 times, be regular with meal, don't skeep them you'll be supprized how much you lose, if you add up some easy physical activities to that you'll will lose.. also if you feel weak some times, go for fresh veggies or fresh fruits, you'll be amazed by the amount of energy those are suplying your body with... stick with it and I believe your diet will work...

Good luck with it.
on 6/3/10 12:00 am
Hi Landee, I just came across your post a minute ago and wanted to share with you what has worked for me. I joined this site more than a year ago and it helped me get a great start.  7 years ago I gained over 90 lbs during my preagnancy with my son. I have tried almost every fad diet under the sun with little to no results and in the process i think i totaly killed my metabolism. Like you breakfast made me sick.  But the others are rite you have to eat breakfast to lose. I started with whole weat toast and a litte sugar free jelly. That kinda helped me get used to eating in the am. I did not start to drop lbs tho untill I added protein to my breakfast. I started by making protein shakes in the am. The one i like best is the body fortress vanilla powder from wall mart. its less expensive than most and taste good. I use one scoop in blender with a tablespoon or 2 of yogart some ice a hand full of frozen berries and half a bannana and a dash of water or juice so it will mix well.  It taste great and worked for me. I have lost 60lbs since last march.  I lost about 6 to 10 lbs a month. kinda slow but i have not gained a lb back so im happy.  For me its was about changing my way of eating not going on a diet. Your on the right track picking lean meats and veggies at meals is the right way to go. Keep trying with the breakfast thing tho it makes a differance. one thing I found was that i am more willin to eat in the am if i have a well balanced dinner the night b 4 and dont over eat or snack on carbs late at night. you will wake up hungy.
on 6/3/10 2:31 am - lancaster, PA
Hello, thank you so much for the response! Add me please, i might have more questions for you about cooking! ☺ The shake sounds great! I really am going to try that! I decided to not go through with trying for a baby but to go ahead and get myself in shape and healthy befor ei try to get pregnant. I think that is the best idea. Thank you for your info it is going to help a lot!
on 6/3/10 12:09 am
Oh also was thinkin if you like yogurt for a snack like I do, some times if i didn't have my yogurt for breakfast and i need sum quick for a snack I will mix a little pro. powder in my yogurt and have an apple with it.
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