bad diarrhea

Rebecca G.
on 11/29/09 3:39 am - New Bern, NC
 I had Distal RNY back in '05. For over a year now I have had bad diarrhea without even eating! I wake up and have to go. I end up going 2 to 3 times before I even eat breakfast. Then, no matter what I eat, even if I just have some veggies and chicken, I get worse diarrhea like dumping. It seems like it's got no trigger, I mean, how can I have it before I even eat or drink anything? I am so frusterated that I cannot sit down and enjoy a meal and post dinner conversation with family because I am getting up to go about 5 or 6 more times. Throughout the whole day, I would say I have it 10+ times. After I eat, no matter what I eat, it gets bad, very runny and orange even if I didn't have much fat in the meal. I am just sick of it! I don't know what to do! I have tried taking Metamucil or some sort of fiber because it works to stop the diarrhea sometimes, but usually not and I end up taking about 8 to 10 of those and that can't be good. What is wrong with me? Will I ever be able to just go poo like a normal person?! Are there any meds?
on 1/30/10 10:23 am - NY
RNY on 12/07/09 with
Hi Becky---my surgery was less than 2 months ago.  I had severe diarrhea which kept me in the hospital 18 days.  Now that I'm hope it's getting better.  My doc said be very careful of dehydration and to drink lots of liquids.  I am also on prescribed lomital and questral.  Don't know if this helps, but I can really relate to your problem.  I would call and let the doc know what's going on.  Good luck.
on 2/2/10 9:08 am - seattle, WA
I'm a little over a year out from surgery.  This was my story pretty much from the beginning.  Have you had issues with cramps?  I get cramps with the diarrhea and feel like I'm about to poop even if I'm emptied out.  It's like the diarrheal version of dry heaves.   I've had all sort of blood work done.  They've analyzed stool samples.  I've had a colonoscopy and an upper GI endoscopy (looking all the way down to where the unused stomach empties into the intestine.)  They had no idea what's going on so now we are working on treating the symptoms.  Have you tried Immodium?  I was able to control the diarrhea with that, but it made the cramps WAY more severe.  I've tried antispasmodic drugs to calm the intestinal muscles down.  That didn't work for me and they tended to put me to sleep.  (I don't just mean drowsy - we're talking out cold.)  What is working are ssri's.  These drugs (Prozac & co.) are often used to treat depression but can also calm down the nerves in the intestine that are making the muscles go crazy.  We are still working on which drug is best and dosage and all that - but I'm finally hopeful that I'm on the right track.  I'm not totally better, but much improved and at a point that I can be functional in life again.

Are you seeing a GI specialist?  This isn't a normal reaction to the surgery.  I've found that the bariatric docs don't know what to do if it doesn't resolve itself and isn't food specific.

I hope this helps.
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