Anemia during and after Childbirth

on 8/18/09 1:14 pm
 I had the Roux-n-y in 2004 and felt great, lost about 120lbs.  I got pregnant two years ago and was fine the first trimester, but then had anemia which I've never experienced before.  At first I thought I had the flu because I had to lay down.  My OB reassured me that I would be back to normal after the pregancy but I am still taking iron supplements and still feeling tired, especially after exercise and my period.  Does anyone have suggestions on how I can better absorb the iron or of any good iron drinks,etc.  Thank YOU!! I'm sick and tired of being tired!

on 8/20/09 5:27 am - Pepperell, MA
Well we certainly have alot in common.  I had my surgery in 2004, lost 120 lbs & got pg 2 years ago!!  I have been anemic since my first pregnancy in 2002 but I seem to tolerate in fairly well.  I do get tired with my period tho.  My dr and I have talked about doing the iron infusion but for now I am just on a high dose of iron and I take it twice a day.  If your iron is low enough, talk to your dr about that.
Also - don't take iron with calcium - they knock each other out.
on 9/3/09 1:55 pm - GA
 Hey, I had the duodenal switch in 2004, had my first child in 2006, second in 2008.  With my first, I took iron supplements, and it was pretty well controlled, breastfed her, and got PG with my second only a few months after I stopped nursing, so my iron supply never had time to regenerate.  I had more problems with anemia with my son, and they almost did iron infusions.  I think it is resolved, but I tend to be on the low side of iron stores anyway.  Two tricks for iron absorbtion:  take your iron WITH a vitamin C rich food (and not, as previously mentioned, anything high in calcium), and try to cook in cast iron skillets.  The second seems weird, but cast iron, when mixed with acidic foods like tomatoes or such, leach iron into the food (in a very natural and good way!!!), and it can increase the amount just by cooking that way.  Bizarre, but true. 

Another thought about your fatigue:  have you been tested for thyriod function?  I have several friends that were diagnosed with underactive thyriods after their kids were born.  After thyroid medication, they were back on track and feeling better.  Since you mention being tired after exercise, wonder if that might be it.  Also, do you have very heavy periods?  There may be an underlying condition (like endometriosis) that could be making you tired and fatigued from blood loss.  

Good luck!  
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