difficulty with full liquid diet/fluids after vsg

on 7/24/09 11:06 am - Toledo, OH
I just had VSG done 7/21.  I am having a hard time getting both proteins and fluids in.  Every time I try and sip my 64 ounces or even my protein in I get horrendous gas and esophageal spasms and chest pain but cannot belch to relieve the pressure.  I have so far not been successful on either the protein or liquid requirements because of this.  I'm trying not to gulp and have not used a straw.  Does anyone have any suggestions about this as I'm worried that I'm not getting in the correct nutrients.  I'd be greatful for any help!  Thanks!!
on 8/2/09 11:57 pm - Canada
I had my VSG on July 1st and I have just started to get my liquid intake  up to 64oz, dont pu****  Are you having your protein shakes with Milk?  If so try to have it will water instead, much easier on your stomach,  I have only been drinking protein with water and some protein juice up until a couple of days ago.  Before that everything I tried to eat would come right back up.  I have finally been able to eat some oatmeal, and a little soup.  It has been a really long month, but I feel great this week and I actually had a little piece of chicken last night.  Are you on any medication for the acid control,  I was on previcd once a day but docter increase to twice a day and that made a big difference also.  I know you feel like your not getting enough nutrients into you but as long as you are drinking you will be fine,  but try and eat a little everyday. Even if it is just one bite, it will get better I promise.
on 8/3/09 2:06 am - Toledo, OH
Thanks for the info.  So far I've tried using water for most of my protein shakes unless I'm really behind on protein then I use milk.  I am able to keep things down they just cause pain sometimes while they're going down.  I did ask my surgeon and was told that this can be a side effect from surgery since the esophagus doesn't know what to do with the intake and can trigger spasm.  I was unaware that anyone else had problems like this since no one has complained of it on previous postings and am glad to hear the surgeon say that it can happen.  He said that it usually improves after a few months.
on 8/11/09 6:28 pm
I had my surgery on July 7 and I too have had a roller coaster ride of gas, queeziness and so forth.  We're in the Army, stationed in Italy so I had it done here.  HUGE difference in nutritional expectations.  They dont beleive so much  in protien.  and at this stage are introducing milk, bread, and pastas.  Problem with me is that my body just cant handle it.- not to mention the fact that these were my trigger foods lol! The spasms for me were crazy and to tell you the truth, its not been until three days ago, that I could move or drink without the spasms.  Warm broth worked for me.  I even drank my protein at room temp because the cold would cause problems.  Keep your eye on the prize all settles down soon.  Good luck. 
on 8/11/09 9:51 pm - Toledo, OH
Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.  I'm glad someone else has had this problem because I thought that I was the only one.  Fortunately mine is settling down as well.  I've finally realized that it is my trigger to tell me that I ate way too much.  Good luck and I totally agree with you on the pastas and breads as a trigger food.
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