Hypglycemia Question

(deactivated member)
on 5/27/09 12:55 am - Milwaukee, WI
6 months after my RNY, my type-2 Diabetes was "resolved."  So no more meds... yeah!
The problem now is that I have had a episodes of hypoglycemia 2-3 hours after eating more than a few carbs... one incident was after having popcorn at a movie... my number was 43 a couple of hours later.  Other incidents have been after being at a get together where I maybe had a small piece of cake or brownie or something.  I RARELY eat anything like that and never ate any quantity of popcorn until the night of the blood sugar low.  Could it be late dumping syndrome?  I'll see my surgeon in a few weeks and I'll tell him about it but I thought I'd check here and see if anyone knows what's going on from their own knowledge or experience.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
on 6/8/09 12:44 am - Piscataway, NJ
Be sure that all meals include a lean protein with ANY carbohydrate you eat and stay away from simple carbohydrates (cakes, cookies, brownies).  Protein combined with a complex carbohydrate (whole grain, whole wheat products, fruits & vegetables) help regulate blood sugar.  Also be sure to eat every 3-4  hours to prevent overeating at your next meal & to prevent flucation in your blood sugars.  Protein is key!  Never eat a meal without it! 
Marisol Vazquez
Director of Nutrition, Registered Dietitian (RD), BS
Kingley Health "Tranforming Lives"

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(deactivated member)
on 6/8/09 3:29 am - Milwaukee, WI

Thanks for the advice.

None of these episodes were meails.  The one in particular that was really bad was just going out to the movies and having popcorn.  I didn't eat a lot of it but it was the first time since before surgery I had any quantity at all.  Up until that night I had maybe a handful 2-3 times over a period of 9 months.  Another episode was after eating watermelon...  but no, there was no protein consumed with any situation because it wasn't a meal.  I do eat 3 meals and a couple of snacks a day. 

Oh I won't ever be eating popcorn again like that... it was bad all the way around, not just what it did to my blood sugar that night. 

I just couldn't believe that a (former) type-2 diabetic would have an episode of hypoglycemia when not taking any diabetes meds.  Wow, it totally blew me away.

on 7/6/09 3:56 pm - AR

Even delayed dumping is not SO delayed that it's 2 - 3 hours after a meal. 

What you are having sounds like episodes of reactive hypoglycemia.  It is something that a few post-ops suffer from.  Rarely, some post-ops even have to have a portion of their pancreas removed due to their inability to control their episodes (which can be life-threatening).  Most control it with diet alone. 

If your only episodes have been after eating total crap (brownies, cakes and/or movie theatre popcorn), I'd say you can probably control yours with diet alone.  (I mean, you didn't mention it happening after eating a 1/2 cup of whole grain cereal or toast or something - so it's not happening with all carbs.)  That's a good thing.  But of course only a doctor could tell you for sure whether or not you could control it with diet alone. 

I'd talk to melting mama too if I were you.  She knows SOOO much more about all that than I could ever hope to. 

Hope that helps.


(deactivated member)
on 7/6/09 11:42 pm, edited 7/6/09 11:42 pm - Milwaukee, WI
Hi Wen....

Thanks for your response!  I did see my surgeon and he said that it's probably due to eating garbage foods and he called it a type of dumping syndrome.  I'm more sensitive to insulin now is what he said.  I don't get it after whole grains or yogurt or anything like that.  He also said he's seen it before and it usually resolves by one year out which I am approaching.  If it doesn't resolve then I need to seen an endocrinologist but he's never had a patient yet who had the problem insulinomia (spelling?).... anyway I believe that's the problem you mentioned where part of the pancreas has to be removed. 

Thanks for your help. 

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