Nut: Protein Intake/Carbs and more.....

Jessica M.
on 5/1/09 11:03 am - Midlothian, TX

I started seeing a registered dietician, licensed nutritionist and a certified strength and conditioning specialist.... I've seen her three weeks now. She also provides:

  • Individual Nutrition Sessions, in-person or over-the-phone:
  • Eating Disorders
  • Weight Concerns
  • Gastric Bypass/Banding
  • Athletes o Healthy Living
  • Group Sessions
  • Presentations
  • Seminars/Weekend Trainings FORMS

However, here is MY question... I see so many people eating 130+ protein in both protein drinks/supplements plus real food. She wants me to ONLY get in 100grams of protein and NO MORE than that, plus eat 50% of my caloric intake in CARBS.

I've started doing this and with HESITATION.... I know that up to this point I've been undereating... and that my body had been in starvation mode with everything that I was eating.

This to me seems so unreal... I'm about to eat 2 years in 2 months and seem to be struggling now more than ever the past few months. I've increased my exercise and eating what my nutritionist wants-- and the scale did move UP 7lbs... Something is NOT right... But, I wasn't losing either...

Any suggestions?

"Winning at a Losing Game"

on 5/4/09 8:28 am - Costa Mesa, CA
 Wait, let me get this straight ... 

1. You went to see a R.D. because you were at a weight loss stall
2. She told you to eat 50% Carbs & 100 g protein
3. You've done this and you've GAINED 7 lbs?

If this is right, then, yes, I would say something is not right & you should call her immediately and tell her you've gained 7 lbs and likely need a re-evaluation (for free).  

If you are exercising & eating low fat as well .... there may be something wrong with her calculations.  

Good luck.

Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Jessica M.
on 5/4/09 9:45 am - Midlothian, TX


Yes, I did go and see the RD because I was at a weight loss stall, and because I was undereating. At almost 2 years post op, I was still eating like I was one or two months out... I never grasped the concept that I would be able to eat more the further out we got. She does not want me to look at "weight loss" but rather a health relationship with food. She did want me to eat 50% carbs, and ONLY 100grams of protein, no more than that. I have done this and have gained 7lbs. She also wants me to increase my fat intake. She said that having the surgery DOES NOT exclude me from what biologically our bodies need. She told me not to eat a protein bar, but rather a snickers. She also told me that I could not just have plain tuna, and I LOVE plain tuna. In addition, I make the triscuit nachos and she told me to QUIT torturing my body and have the real chips for nachos. I've suffered with an eating disorder in the past, and possibly some tendencies now according to her.

She wants me to be "normal" my goal is still weight loss. I do exercise and I have a trainer. She wants me to cut back my exercising too!!

It's so frustrating.


"Winning at a Losing Game"

on 5/4/09 12:23 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
 Ummm .... 

I don't know you, and I don't know your history.  But, I can tell you that what she recommended is not something I would agree with.  

Eating "junk food" like candy bars and chips is not a "lifestyle change".  Sure, a candy bar  every 6 weeks (maximum) is OK, or 'real' nachos once every six weeks is OK, but to eat them often ..... not something I would recommend.  

I'm not saying that I have the ONLY say in post-op eating, but I do think it's a 'red flag'.  I think that you should consider getting a second opinion.  This just doesn't seem right to me - of course, I have not done a full assessment on you - but from the little you've shared, her recommendations just don't make sense to me.  

I hope you find a plan taht works well for you.


Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Lynette N.
on 7/2/09 8:45 am - LA
I would be very careful adding in chips and candy.  That might be a slippery slope and lead you back to a lifestyle that had surgery to overcome.

Just curious, are you her first WLS patient?
Did she say "carbs" or did she specify the healthy whole grain carbs?

Jessica M.
on 7/2/09 10:09 am - Midlothian, TX
She did say "CARBS"... Told me to eat a snickers bar... instead of a protein bar. I am not her first WLS, she worked with patients in Florida who had WLS and was a bariatric RD.
"Winning at a Losing Game"

on 7/6/09 3:46 pm - AR
The RD that did my MedGem test has specialized in WLS post-ops for years.

She recommended to me:
50% carbs
25% protein
25% fat

I have had no trouble with weight loss and/or no trouble maintaining.  I also feel well and don't feel deprived of anything.  (Granted, everyone is different and what makes me feel best may not make you feel best, etc.  I'm just sayin.)

The longest running study on human nutrition in history (often refered to as the China study) shows a strong correlation between too much protein and certain cancers.  There is NO need to get in 130+ grams of protein per day.  In fact, I'd say anyone getting in THAT much protein is probably NOT getting in enough of something else (whether it be fat or good healthy carbs - BOTH of which your body needs).

Also, studies on human starvation are almost non-existant (for obvious reasons).  In fact, the one major study I've read done on human starvation that some credit with coining the term "starvation mode" completely ignored protein intake - so how relevant can it really be to a WLS post-op who may have drastically reduced caloric intake but generally have higher-than-average protein intakes?  So I don't put too much stock in "starvation mode" as there is little actual data to back up its existence. 

All that being said, telling you to eat a Snickers and Doritos instead of protein bars and triscuits is just whacked.  If you are doing that, you are ingesting crap carbs instead of healthy carbs and highly caloric crap - which explains the 7 pounds.  So yes, something is definately wrong with that part of her advice.

Just my opinion...

Y'all can all flog me now.  LOL
Jessica M.
on 7/6/09 8:29 pm - Midlothian, TX
Can you give me some examples of your daily meal plans... Ifeel that I might be getting in too much protein. I have recently only started eating triscuits again... I had completely cut carbs out other than that from the fruit/veggies and beans... "CARBS" were completely out of my diet for 35 days.  

"Winning at a Losing Game"

on 7/6/09 9:57 pm - AR
This is what I had for my 4th of July lunch:

RNY cheeseburger:
yield from 2 oz lean ground beef
1 slice Sara Lee 45 calorie & delightful whole grain bread
1 tsp mustard
2 tsp ketchup
1 slice 2 % american cheese
Calories: 175
Fat: 5.25 (27%)
Carbs: 13.67 (30%)
Protein: 19 (43%)

I generally have about 2 cups of this stuff (the following is 1/2 cup servings) every day:
Low-Fat No Sugar Added Frozen Vanilla Yogurt w/ 2 scoops protein for flavor
Calories: 112.76
Fat: 1.81 (14 %)
Carbs: 15.83 (57%)
Protein: 8.14 (29%)

I have this w/ 1 ounce cocoa roasted almonds every morning for breakfast:
1/2 apple cut into slices
4 tbsp PB2
Calories: 161.40
Fat: 3.94 (22%)
Carbs: 21.4 (49%)
Protein: 11.6 (29%)

One of my favorite fast foods:
Wendy's Grilled Chicken Wrap w/ no cheese & no sauce (chicken & lettuce only on the inside) w/ extra lettuce (which chews to water & gives you that needed moisture)
Calories: 190
Fat: 5 (24%)
Carbs: 21 (47%)
Protein: 14 (30%)

Another favorite fast food: (I work out of my car on the road frequently, can you tell?)
Subway's Mini Turkey Sub w/ white american cheese & mustard only on wheat
1 whole one is usually too much for me, but I'll sometimes down a whole one - so the following nutrition facts are for a whole one
Calories: 225
Fat: 6.5 (26%)
Carbs: 30 (51%)
Protein: 13 (23%)

None of these totals match my percentages EXACTLY - but when I do my totals every day, I am generally as close to my percentage totals as I can get. 

My fat % for the day ALWAYS stays between 20 - 30% (what my surgeon recommends and in line with the American Heart Association).  My protein is ALWAYS above 60 g - usually closer to 100 - 130 because of how many calories I consume.  My carbs are generally what I struggle to keep up.  I generally make it to around 40% calories from carbs daily just because I do eat more meat/cheese/etc than I probably need to in relation to my overall calories.  My GOAL is 50% calories from carbs - but looking back at my intake log to do the above, I'm actually only getting generally about 40% calories from carbs. 

Hope that helps! 


For me, it's all about getting my total DAILY percentages to as close to 50/25/25 as I can. 
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