HELP - Can't Stop Weight Gain

Becky R.
on 1/17/09 10:24 pm - Annandale, MN
I am really getting concerned and need some support, advice, and ideas.

In the past year I have put on15lbs, I will be 4 years out on March 17th.  What makes it worse is that a year ago my weight was muscle I suppose and now the weight I have is no longer muscle.  I have gone from a pant size 5 to a 10. Shirt Small or M to L and XL.

I think is started when a year ago my father died and  I must have turned to food and my mood went down big time and I didnt find time to fix in any working out.  I have tried - really really tried, but even last night I woke up at 3am and felt like I am starving.   I tried to go back to sleep and then reasoned with myself and ate 20 soda crackers and had some water.  I just feel so so so hungry - how do I get past this.  I need to get back on track - I even thought about picking up ali or some sort of diet stuff that I am sure really does not work, but I am starting to feel desperate that my weight gain is out of control.  I have not gone through all of this to be sliding so quiclkly downhill.  Any ideas or help - I hope someone can help.

on 1/18/09 3:16 am - Evans, GA
I am sorry about the loss of your father.  It is so easy to fall back into our old habits.  Go back to the way you were taught to eat after surgery.  ALWAYS, protein first.  Dense proteins, not sliders, then low-carb vegtables and small amounts of fruit.  Get all the refined carbohydrates out of your diet.  Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of fluid a day but no calorie drinks only.  Also, journal every bite of food you put in your mouth.  This will help you to understand were you are making good and not so good choices.  Also, are you exercising?  Ya gota move!  Exercise also helps lift your mood so you feel better.  Good luck.  Shelli
on 1/26/09 3:22 am - Grayson, KY
I have fallen into bad habits also.  I cannot get enough protein if I don't have sliders.  I understand cutting out carbs; but how often do you eat vegetables and fruit?  Do you eat 3 meals a day or do you have protein snacks between the meals?  I do not dump and that makes it really easy to slip up.
What can someone do to identify their emotional eating and deal with it?  I have not recently lost a loved one; but what do you suggest she and I do instead of eating?  I turly feel losing weight and keeping it off is more than just forcing yourself into diet rules.  How do you deal with what makes you not want to follow the rules?
Sorry,  You just sound like someone who is successful and might could help me.
on 1/28/09 7:45 am - CA
First Becky, I am sorry about the passing of your Father.  I completely understand how hard that can be.  I gained lots of weiight when my parents passed. So I understand your position.  Reality is you probably need to recconect with you doc and NUT, get a fill, and start over again.  Grief takes time, weight returns with a vengeance, quick, fast and n doubble digits.  You deserve to meet and maitain your weight goals!  Hope you think so too!

............................................................. ~ Yet Pressing ~

H A.
on 1/28/09 11:48 pm - NOR CAL, CA
Bad habits are easy to fall into. First thing to do is not to beat your self up over it. Work on the inner you - You've had a hard year. Except that and except that everyone goes through the ups and downs of life and for us the eating is how we deal.

To get back on track.
1) Be happy where you are and realize it takes time to lose the weight. Don't get discouraged.

2)I have just started to track calories again. Amazing how easy it is to add up the calories when you no****ching the little things.

3) Like early posters - Water is fantastic to cut the cravings.

4) I have night eating issues too. Sometimes it's really thirst or that I have to go to the bathroom. but I get in this vicious cycle of night eating. Plan it. Count it in your calories and leave something in the fridge that you can wake up and have with out over doing it. Then slowly try and figure out what makes you get up. My daughter gave me this idea and leaves me a protein bar in the fridge with a note on it LOL.

Best of luck - I know you can fix this.
(deactivated member)
on 1/29/09 3:54 am - TX
If you are experiencing hunger, it may not be head hunger.  It just might be hunger pains.  If I were you, I'd get my PCP to order you a UGI and endoscopy to rule out that you don't have something mechanically wrong with your RNY.  You know you could have staple line disruption or stoma enlargment.

Good luck  in finding a cause/cure.
on 1/29/09 5:50 am - Winchester, CA
Hi There,   I am six years out and gained 40 pounds.  Have you tried the 5 day pouch test?  Go to and maybe that will help
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