Will I never ...

Lauren B.
on 1/7/09 7:16 am - Fort Stewart, GA
Just wondering will I never be able to eat out again  after my surgery?

on 1/7/09 8:13 am - Meredith, NH

You probably want to limit it in the beginning.  I waited a couple of weeks before we went out.  We go out to eat a couple times a week now.  In the beginning I would order a baked potatoe and ma****  Now we share meals or I order an app for my meal.  It's just a matter of choices. 

on 1/8/09 4:34 am - aztec, NM
I have been wondering the same thing.  I have gone out to eat a few times since surgery (5 1/2 weeks ago). As a matter of fact, today I met a friend for lunch.  We went to a Mexican restaurant and I ordered a side order of beans.  I have to be careful about where I do go, and all of my family/friends have been super supportive of this.  I'm trying very hard not to make it a habit, but an exceptional treat now and again.  I have a couple of friends and meeting for lunch was the extent of our socializing.  It's been hard now that I don't feel I can do that as often as I used to.  My understanding is that we should really limit this in the beginning, but as time goes on, we can learn how to eat healthy and within limits at restaurants.  It's been really hard getting used to packing a lunch every day, I hate preparing meals in advance, it has just never really worked for me with my schedules and such.  But now I have to do it, no choice.  It sounds to me like you haven't had surgery yet.  I know I"m only a few weeks out, but I have had to make a lot of choices now that I wasn't prepared to make.  I had researched the surgery, read and read and read some more, and lurked on the OH site.  But I guess reality didn't hit me until push came to shove.  It hasn't been easy, I still have days of nausea.  I have days where nothing sounds good and I don't even want to eat.  I struggle to get in my water and protein.  But then my sweet hubby reminds me that I have a goal in mind and the reason I went to such extreme measures was to force myself to be healty.  THat it'l be a hard road but that I have strong reasons for doing it. That makes me just suck it up and do it.  Good luck!!!  Be prepared for many many changes.  BUt if you believe you're doing it for the right reasons, then it'll be worth it in the end!
Pam T.
on 1/9/09 3:47 am - Saginaw, MI
I ate in a restaurant within 10 days after my surgery.  I ordered chicken noodle soup and ate the broth and soft veggies. (Left the pasta and chicken cuz I wasn't cleared for that yet.)

You WILL eat normally again.  It might not seem like it now, but it won't be long before you are eating the same thing everyone else is eating - smaller quantities, but the same stuff.  I went out with some girlfriends to Lucky's Steakhouse last night for dinner.  Ordered a steak and a side of shrimp and steamed veggies.  The leftovers will be dinner tonight.  Today for lunch I hit McDonalds and ordered a Southwest Chicken Salad. 

No worries....

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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave


on 1/9/09 11:37 am - AR
I eat out constantly and have since about 3 weeks out.  (My job sort of mandates it.) 

I just eat VERY VERY VERY differently than I did before.  In fact, I ate at Taco Bell for my afternoon snack today.  I had a chicken soft taco w/ only chicken & lettuce w/ extra lettuce.  I ate the insides (no tortilla) with hot sauce on them, with 4 or 5 hot sauce packets on top.  Only 60 calories and YUMMMMMMMMM.............
on 1/12/09 11:36 pm - houston, TX
I agree with everyone else.  My husband and I have no kids so we eat out alot with friends and just us.  Especially now that I have had bypass it's just as easy to eat out as cook.  When we eat out (1) I almost always order fish and veggies (2) often order a salad on the side (3) I get the salad/bread plate and portion off what I am going to eat then I push the big plate away and only eat what is on my plate.  I find if I eat off the big plate I eat too much and am not aware of how much I am eating.  Then of course I take the rest home and usually divide the leftovers up into two tupperwares and I am ready to eat my next two lunches.  For me a big issue is portion control so I do those tricks to make myself aware and accountable for what I am eating.  Also, I love Mexican food so when we eat Mexican I (1) don't eat the chips, instead I ordered a sliced fresh bellpepper and some refried beans then I take the bellpepper and put some beans and salsa on the strips, it's very good and very satisfying (2) I eat off my husband's plate bc he usually orders fajitas so I have a couple strips of meat with some guacamole, if he doesn't order fajitas then I order fajitas or shrimp and never rice.  Prior to surgery I was a carb addict so I never let carbs come on my plate, lol.  If something comes with potatoes or rice or pasta I have them sub in a salad or veggies or nothing.  Don't get me wrong I do have a bite of carbs occasionally but for me it's just a tease and then I start to crave them again.  A big part of success has been cutting out those things that I am addicted to and emotionally connected to.
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