Too Much Calcium?

kirby1dog G.
on 12/14/08 10:49 pm
    I'm waiting on lab results after seeing my WLS surgeon on Friday.  We know I have anemia and that oral iron isn't working to improve my levels.  But my surgeon doesn't think that the anemia can account for all of my symptoms and so he's looking for other possibilities in my blood work.  I am experiencing myalgic pain - episodes of intense muscle aches specially in my feet, calves, thighs, arms and hands.  Even typing seems to exhaust my hands and I have to stop to rub until the ache subsides.  I am also having bone pain in my pelvis, hips, and arms.  Doc is looking to see if my Ca level and PTH are high since these symptoms sure look like hyperparathyroidism.  But wouldn't that be a real coincidence to have this surgery 13 weeks ago and then develop parathyroid disease out of the blue?  Doc explained that both too little Ca and too much can cause myalgic pain - well, I take 2,000 mg calcium citrate every day (Upcal D powder and Citrical Petites).  I guess it is still possible that I am not absorbing much of this calcium but is it possible that I am absorbing too much?  I don't find much on Ca toxicity except that it is very rare.  I'm just wondering - any ideas?  My idea was to stop taking all supplements to see if my symptoms abate and then to add them back one at a time.  Thanks, Treading
Pam T.
on 12/16/08 11:03 pm, edited 12/16/08 11:03 pm - Saginaw, MI
The ASMBS recommendation for calcium is 1500-2000mg of calcium citrate in addition to any calcium we get from food.  I take 2000mg because I'm also taking Depo Provera which has been proven to leach calcium from bone ... so I need the extra. 

Your calcium blood levels will always be perfect.  Only about 1% of your body's calcium is contained in your blood but your body needs those levels to remain constant for nerve and heart and lung function --- so if the blood level gets a little bit low, the body will leach calcium from your bones to keep that level constant.  You can tell if that's happening from other blood tests.  If your Vitamin D level is low and your PTH level is high, it's a classic indicator that your body is not absorbing enough of the calcium you take and it's leaching from bone (called resorption).

For normal-gutted-people the upper limit of calcium intake is around 2500mg.  But obviously we malabsorb calcium so we naturally need more than normal.  Here's a diagram that shows where nurtients are absorbed within the intestinal tract ... notice where calcium is no longer absorbed. et-72157605380269874/

The website Worlds Healthiest Foods has very detailed research on all different types of vitamins, minerals and foods.  Here's the section on Calcium Toxicity. tysymptoms

I hope your doctors are able to get to the bottom of your pain.  Keep us posted.


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kirby1dog G.
on 12/19/08 4:31 am
As always, Pam, thanks a million.

Doc agrees that a rise in serum Ca is very rare and always indicates a serious problem.  If PTH rises and serum Ca rises - you have hyperparathyroidism.  Luckily, I don't.  My Ca level and PTH were fine.  My cortisol was not though.  As expected my iron levels were also low.  As for the cortisol, I guess it is as complex as iron levels.  A low cortisol test only means you need further testing.  Great.  I haven't heard from my doc as to what the next steps will be. 

As for my little experiment, it is over.  I am no worse since halting my supplements but certainly no better.  So, I am back to taking my supplements.  Several other of my levels were barely in range.  I had a lot of very low levels.  Is it common that docs consider you just fine so long as you hit the range?  Seems to me that it may be significant to have a 30,. say, when the range is 30-300.  Maybe not.

I'm hanging in there and I find I feel better the more water I drink.  Duh, right?  I am up to 100 oz a day. 
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