Can I make Protein Shakes with ho****er?

on 12/13/08 12:25 pm
Does anyone know if making protein shakes hot messes up anything?  I really like the chocolate truffle syntrax nectar and would like to try it as hot chocolate, but unsure if this is okay or not.  Thanks for any info...
on 12/13/08 1:48 pm - Bremerton, WA
Yes you can... but you need to keep the temp of the water under 160 degees.... I put a little water in a cup... 2 T or so... mix the protein powder  in this water until smooth.  Heat the water... and add the ho****er slowly to the protein powder paste. Then enjoy! 


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Pam T.
on 12/14/08 8:41 am - Saginaw, MI
I used to use the Chocolate Truffle for hot cocoa and it worked great.  (Their cappucinno flavor does not do well with ho****er, but all the other ones i've tried do.)  Here's how I make mine:

1.  put on the tea kettle to boil (yes, boiling water is perfectly alright)
2. in a blender mix scoop of protein powder, splash of SF coffee creamer or milk or soy (this gives it a creamy texture).  You can also add SF flavored coffee syrups or spices now too.
3. add water to blender jar
4. whirl until smooth and frothy
5. enjoy

If you don't want to use the blender, here's the trick:

1. put the tea  kettle on to boil
2. add protein and milk/creamer/syrup to mug.
3. stir the protein powder like crazy until you have a smooth thick paste with no lumps
4. add a small amount of ho****er and stir, stir, stir
5.  fill the rest of the mug with ho****er and keep stirring

There's a myth that heating protein powder will somehow distroy the protein chains.  That's actually not true.  Making protein powder hot will "denaturalize" it, but that just means you are changing the chemical make up of the protein.  Just the same way that a raw egg is all protein - so is a cooked egg.  Protein is protein no matter what tempture it is.

The only problem with heating protein is that some brands/flavors just don't mix well with ho****er and tend to lump-up or get gritty (which is what the Nectar Capp does).  I have added boilng water, cooked with it, baked with it.... it all works great.  


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on 12/14/08 9:09 am - AR
I make hot chocolate with protein powder all the time.

I use:
1 cup of water
1 Swiss Miss Diet Cocoa mix (it has less sugar than all the rest, even the low sugar varieties)
2 tablespoons of chocolate protein powder ***

Heat in the microwave, add some sugar free caramel syrup..... yum......

***Note: I always throw my "scoop" away as soon as I open a tub/canister of protein.  I take one level tablespoon (measuring tablespoon) and weigh it on a digital scale (to see how many grams it weighs).  Then I ratio out the nutrition facts panel (mutiplying everything on there x the grams in the tablespoon divided by the grams per serving).  I write all nutrition facts per tablespoon on a post-it note and tape it to the side of the canister/tub.  I use tablespoons of protein instead of "scoops" of protein.  Many times, I mix protein in cocoa or frozen yogurt or something where a whole scoop is too much - so that gives me more options. 
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