What is a "good" ferretin level?

kirby1dog G.
on 11/28/08 10:52 pm
HI, I know it is not 3.0 like mine is right now but I am confused by the range.  My lab work tells me my level is 3.0 (bad) but that the range is 10-291!  Now that is quite a range.  Does one settle for 11 or try for 150 or what?  Anyone can tell me what a good level would be?  Thanks so much and Happy Holidays.  Treading
on 11/30/08 8:57 am, edited 11/30/08 8:57 am
When my level was low it was 9. I am currently on IV Iron treatments the hematologist wants it to get up to at least 50 before we stop the IV iron.  The oral iron did not work, I have always been anemic
kirby1dog G.
on 12/1/08 1:47 am
Hello Pokerchips,
Thank you so much for responding.  I don't get it.  Neither my PCP - who did my labs nor my WLS program are at all alarmed about my levels.  Oh, they agree I am anemic bu they both were quite happy to tell me to take 325 mg ferrous sulfate (3xs a day) and we'll recheck in a few months!  I have no problems being a strong advocate for myself and I made it clear I wanted to be retested in a few weeks.  And my WLS program agreed readily to do that so I will be retested on Dec 11th.  But I suspect neither of these groups has ANY experience with this. 

I knew from OH that some people have to have the IV treatments.  I am now hearing from you and others that oral Tx may not help me.  How long do I wait to find that out.  I am functioning but barely.  I get so dizzy, the fatigue is unreal and my muscles ache with any effort at all.  My PCP is very responsive but she described my 3.0 as "a little anemic".  How do I get past that?  I work in a lab and my family is very medical so I was able to evaluate my lab work and I am not "a little " anemic.  But right now i am the only who is very bothered by this. 

Your experience really helps me to gain some perspective and it may help in educating my medical team.  I can't thank you enough.  How are you feeling?  Did the IV treatments make you feel better quickly?  I've been taking the iron pills for 5 days and no change at all.  Treading
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