Question about protein

Darrell H.
on 11/17/08 9:43 pm - Sinton, TX
There has been much debate about the amount of protein that the body can use at one time. My question is similiar. If the body can only use 30-40 grams of protein at a time, how soon can you get more protein. In other words, if I drink a protein shake in the morning that has 35 grams protein (whey protein shake with 13 grams protein in skim milk), am I wasting protein if I have a protein bar 30 minutes later? Thanks for any help with this!
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Pam T.
on 11/17/08 10:02 pm - Saginaw, MI
The notion that your body can only "process" 30g of protein at a time is a myth.  There is no scientific or biological evidence to prove this.

However --- the body likes to get a steady flow of nutrition throughout the day, not all at once.  So if you are shooting for 80g of protein per day, you should divide it up between all your meals and snacks throughout the day.  So 20g per meal (3) and 10g per snack (2) and you'll have your 80g in for the day. 

The only thing I know for sure that the body needs in certain doses is calcium (based on medical research).  Your body can only deal with 500mg of calcium at a time and each dose needs to be spread out at least 2 hours apart. 

So go ahead and drink a shake then have a bar a bit later.  no big deal.  :-)


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Jennifer K.
on 11/18/08 5:08 am - Phoenix , AZ
There really is no answer on either side of the fence - it hasnt been proven, but it hasnt been disproven either.
My NUTs advice was this - you should be spreading your protein out between your various meals and snacks. My feeling is a protein shake should either be counted as a meal or as a snack.. with that said I wouldnt be eating again 30 minutes later, should be time for drinking fluids. Breaking up your meals/snacks by 2-3 hours will eliminate any questions about protein absorption.

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