Wendy W.
on 11/4/08 9:13 pm - Council Bluffs, IA
I need some help I do not know what is going on with me but I had my surgery RNY in 2003 This past year I have gained 56 lbs back. This is killing me, I am not eating alot of junk, I now have hypoglyciemia, my legs are swollen like you would not believe due to the lyphodemia that I now have, I go to the Dr. he just tells me to stop eating.. I sit here and cry night after night because I do not know what is going on with me, they have done blood test but everything is perfect they say. I refuse to look in a mirror any more. I dont want to go out and do any thing or be with anyone.  I cannot handle this I do not want to be the person I was before. I want this weight off before it kills me. I have a son to take care of, I am at the point to where I want to start totake laxatives and throw up all the time. PLEASE HELP ME WITH SOME IDEAS AND SUPPORT.
 I pray to GOD every night for me to be strong and getr over this but I just keep gaining.Please I do not want to die,
Thank you
[email protected]
Pam T.
on 11/5/08 1:49 am - Saginaw, MI
Hi Wendy -

I'm so sorry you're having such a tough time right now.  It's good that you're asking for help here on OH -- I hope we can figure out a solution with you.  If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest you also post this message over at the Grads Forum.  Here's the link

So... some questions...

1. Are you following up with your surgeon and nutritionist or just your PCP?  If it's just your family doc, please make an appointment with your surgeon and also the bariatric nutritionist .... they have more knowledge when dealing with surgery patients. 

2. Which labwork did you have done last?  And did you get a copy of the results yourself?  Here's a list of the labs you should have drawn and also a link to download the spreadsheet I use to keep track of all my own labs. If you didn't get ALL these tests done, go back and ask for the rest to be drawn.  Remember that after RNY our labs sometimes need to come back higher than "normal".  For instance, Vitamin D has an ideal range of 80-100 for RNY folks whereas the normal range for everyone else is 40-80. ns-after-wls.html

3. Are you still following the rules of the pouch?  Protein first, veggies and fruit second and whole grain starches last if there's a tiny bit of room?  No drinking with meals or for 30-90 minutes after meals? Here's the Pouch Rules for Dummies -- this is a good guideline to follow if you've forgetten all the rules:

4.  Are you taking all your vitamins and supplements?  2 multi-vitamins per day, B12, iron, 1500-2000mg calcium citrate per day.  Here's a document that shows exactly what you need to be taking at a minimum -- of course you may have added other things over the years based on your labs... but make sure you're taking these for sure.  The chart on page 7 shows the vitamins.

5.  Are you eating the right stuff?  Right number of calories?  Right amount of nutrients?  Right amount of water?  While losing you should probably be at 1000-1200 calories per day with about 40% of that being protein (80-100g per day), 40% of calories from complex carbs (fruit, veggies, dairy, whole grains) and 20% from healthy fats (olive oil, nuts).  You should be drinking 64oz water every day.  You say you don't eat any junk... but it might be time to start logging every morsel of food that passes your lips to see exactly where you are with what you're eating.  I use to log my food.  It also calculates the percentages for me automatically, so it makes life easier than pen/paper.

6. Are you exercising?  You should be working out HARD - sweating your butt off and breathing heavy at least 5 to 6 days per week.  Even a brisk walk for 30-45 minutes per day will be a good start.  If you can't walk because of the lyphodemia, then find some other type of excercise that you can do to work  your upper body or try swimming. Google the type of exercise you want to try and you'll find a lot of great ideas. 

7.  Are you taking any medications that might be causing weight gain?  Have you had your thyroid checked?  How is your blood sugar and have you been tested for insulin resistance?  If you suspect any type of medical condition that may be causing the weight gain.  If your doctor is not willing to work with you (and FOR you) in figuring out what the issue is, then find a new doctor.  Take your food logs to the appointment to prove to him that you are on track with your eating and you believe it is something else that's wrong.  Be persistant and don't let him push you around -- he works for you, remember. 

Good luck in your quest.  Keep us posted on how you're doing.


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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave


on 11/6/08 7:37 am - Carmel Valley, CA
Pam,  You're amazing.  Thanks for all the excellent information. 
Carmel Valley Linda
on 11/5/08 6:51 am - St. George, UT
You definitely need a second opinion.   Go to another doctor!  If you have lymphedema, purging won't help.  You need a specialist.
Wendy W.
on 11/6/08 4:53 am - Council Bluffs, IA
What type of Doc do I go To.?? My family Dr. She just says get on a diet and I am  and then the surgergeon just says stopp eating. so where to now?
 Thank you for responding.
on 11/21/08 1:03 am - NY
 I am sorry you are feeling bad  right now-- I will keep you in my prayers- I just had my surgery so I am not clear what teh future will bring- I do know this has been a difficut task all my life and more so the last 10 years-
I am only 9 days out and I was already at the ER so I try to just keep thinking postive thoughts- Not always easy to do but I am trying to get over every little hump in the road-
I am sorry I dont have any good advice-
1. check with your Surgeon and primary dr- groups
3. Keep the faith-pray-alot
Take care and I am here if you want to chat-
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