dumping/bulimia?? thoughts??

Tamara B.
on 10/11/08 1:34 am - southwest, MO
 Hi everyone,
I'm 4.5 yrs post gastric bypass and have an interest in researching this issue. I'm back in college(getting a BS in Psych and hoping to go to Grad school in Spring2010) and I'm actually writing a paper about the issue/possiblity of bulimia after WLS. Does anyone on this board have any thoughts on the subject? 
FYI..I recently made my profile only visible to my friends, simply because I may not want all my peers and professors to be in on my entire journey at this point, but not to hide from any of you, so if you have an interest in seeing it just let me know. 

My thoughts on bulimia are that I feel several people I've had contact with may have it or something similar, post WLS. They are binging and purging, knowing they will purge simply because their pouch won't hold the food. Maybe that's not true bulimia, maybe it's a new eating disorder??? Just sharing some thoughts here as I get ready to write my paper. I've found 2 articles on the issue, one written in 2006 and another in 2003. One of them was done in Mexico though. So it's clear there is a NEED for this subject to be looked into and I think this site certainly would be a good place to start. I think WE are the experts....we ARE the ones living with this......I'm always shocked at some of the doctors and psych professionals opinions on what we KNOW. I hope WE can teach them a few things.

If anyone has an interest in this issue or even a personal experience to share, please comment or send me a private message. I'll keep it confidential.  
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