Dental issues post-op???

on 10/7/08 2:07 am - Collinsville, VA
Hello everyone.  I'm not sure if my question should be posted elsewhere (if you think there's a better place, kindly point me in the right direction) but I'm looking for answers and nutrition or calcium (?) could be an issue.  For the past several months, it seems as though my teeth are falling apart.  I've had to have several drill & fills, 2 broken teeth are prepped for crowns and I have an upcoming appointment with an Oral Surgeon to remove a tooth that broke below my gum line.  I have some old crowns which, I can tell that the gum area is receeding.  Last night, while eating dinner (nice soft fish), a crown came loose!  I haven't ever had this much trouble with my teeth all within such a short timeframe.  I'm almost 54 yrs old, and yes, I've had drill & fills, crowns, yada, yada, over the years BUT, the past few months, I'm in the dentist office more than the grocery it seems.  My dentist is wonderful, but really doesn't have a lot to say about the possibility of this being a post-op issue.  I do take my vitamins and Calcium Citrate as prescribed.  I'm seeing my GP next week to ask for some labs to check my calcium levels, etc.  Are any of you going through a similar problem????
RNY 11/17/04
At goal!  Down 116 pounds.
on 10/7/08 1:17 pm
 same thing happened to me.I added 100,000IU vitamin  D3 everyday per Vitalady and my teeth quit cracking and chipping. I also take 3,000mgs of calcium citrate.
I might have your doc check your 25 hydroxy D I keep mine at around 100. I also had cavities and root line cavities.

good luck

Pam T.
on 10/8/08 1:28 am - Saginaw, MI
Yes, I've heard this is a common problem if you are malabsorbing calcium and your body is leaching calcium from bone.  The health of your teeth is often an indicator of the health of your bones.  I would recommend you have a bone density scan (DEXA) done to check for osteoporosis.  When you have your labs drawn, make sure your doc checks your Vitamin D level AND your PTH level -- if D is low and PTH is high, this is an indicator that your body is leaching calcium from bone .

You should be taking 1500-2000mg of elemental calcium citrate and 2000IU of Vitamin D3.  If you are not hitting these minimums, then I'd suggest you increase your intake immediately.  These recommendations are based on the guidelines set forth by the ASMBS -- the bariatric association. 


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on 10/10/08 10:16 am

Hi- I had my  revision 13 years ago (lost 100 lbs kept it off now exercising more and lost another 15--my goal is still 20 lbs away :) )  I too am having dental problems of late- what I recently found out was my B-12 was low probably for longer than I care to think about and I had thyroid cancer 3 years ago.  Make sure your Doctors check your neck!!!  So I attribute my dental decline to all that stuff and dare I say age.  Hang in there--get your bloods checked.


on 10/10/08 11:25 pm - Collinsville, VA
 Thanks very much to each of you.  I had a LOT of labwork done this week and everything was wonderful - Calcium, B-12, kidney & liver function, yada, yada.  The Vit-D test was not back when the PA phoned me, but she doesn't anticipate a problem. is WONDERFUL that my labs were so good and I've been told to use a Flouride rinse and an enamel protector paste at bed time.  Hopefully, this will help.
RNY 11/17/04
At goal!  Down 116 pounds.
Tamara B.
on 10/11/08 1:30 am - southwest, MO
 Did you have the osteoporosis test? Dexa scan? You can't tell the bone density form lab work. I am 39 and had one done this year for the first time and the Dr told me I should continue to have one every year as WLS puts us all at high risk for bone loss. Please get one done if you haven't. I've NOT had any teeth issues yet, I'm 4.5 yrs post op. But, having worked in a dental office, I'd say get your bone density test asap, so you know if that's playing a role or if the flouride rinse and enamel protector should do the trick. 
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