2 wks out from RnY, going out to dinner tomorrow - question

on 9/5/08 9:26 am - MA
I have to go out - my parents 50th anniversary.   I'll be checking
on the soups, but could I have possibly Lobster salad?  It's
a seafood restaurant.  What about clam chowder.

Any other suggestions?  Can I have iced tea?  I've been really
really good these two weeks, only protein smoothies, some
scrambled egg beaters, ground up chili, and mashed potatoes,
along with water water water.

Any help you can suggest is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.






Pam T.
on 9/5/08 10:55 am - Saginaw, MI
 Congratulations to your parents!  :-)

Definitely stick with a meal choice that you are confident will not make you sick.  Don't try anything new.  Clam Chowder would probably have a lot of fat (real butter and heavy cream, I'd assume) - many people dump on fat.  Lobster salad -- if this is a real salad, like lettuce and raw veggies - then you probably shouldn't eat that yet.  I wasn't cleared for raw veggies until 3 months.  But if it's a lobster salad like tuna salad, then that might work... as long as you're cleared to eat meat/fish.

Maybe a clear soup, like chicken noodle or vegetable?  So if the solid parts of the soup doesn't work, you could still just do the broth.  Or maybe just a side order of mashed potatoes, if that's a safe food for your pouch.

Just get something easy to deal with so you're not paranoid about the food.  Focus on being together with your family and enjoying the company.  


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on 9/6/08 12:05 am - AR
This may come across as harsh and I don't mean for it to.  I just mean to respond to your post the way I read it. 

It doesn't matter how "good" you have been so far.  It's not about "behaving" for two weeks to have a "naughty" day every other weekend. 

Every surgeon's diet progression is different.  What does your SURGEON's plan allow you to have at 2 weeks out? 

One of the keys to longterm success is no drink with or around meals.  This is universal for ALL RNY surgeons.  With a pouch the size of a egg/golfball, there is not physically room to drink and eat at the same time.  So iced tea is not a good idea.  Go with a "meal" instead. 

At 2 weeks, I was still on the soft diet and could not eat anything that had not been pureed.  I think you should stick to soft diet foods since that is probably what your post-op plan calls for at this point. 

Part of my RNY post-op life has been realizing how much of my life I had started making about food rather than the real "life" that the food accompanied.  Celebrations should center around PEOPLE and the recognition of the EVENT being CELEBRATED - not around whatever food is available.  (Example - Birthday cake does not MAKE a birthday a reality.)
on 9/6/08 2:46 am - MA
Thanks Wendy,  I wasn't planning on being naughty just trying to find out what might be possible for a restaurant.  I've gone to one, and had cabbage soup, but only the broth.  I definately will not be eating anything that's not yogurt consistency.  I just wansn't sure if clam chowder (or at the least the chowder part, qualified within the nutrition guidelines, but I've since been told that's it's probably not low fat.     I also plan on bringing a CIB just in case there's nothing that fits my needs.  What can you do - like you said - it's a celebration, not a food event.
on 9/6/08 11:18 am
the only thing i would eat is broth as in soup.....nothing but liquid,,,,,,,
on 9/6/08 11:57 am - MA

Thank you.  I had the french onion soup, mostly just the broth, and some smashed
potatoes from a baked potato.  All went well and it was a great time.

on 9/7/08 9:49 am - VA
Just something to keep in mind...it's not a good idea to have the broth and the mashed potatoes at the same meal.  That's equivalent to "eating and drinking" at the same time.  Some people (and I was one of them as a new post-op, forgot that soup and broth is the same thing to your body as, say, iced tea or water.  I hope you have a great time with your folks and the friends and family, but have in mind BEFORE going out EXACTLY what you'll eat and don't let anyone say, "oh, a little bite of this won't hurt".  It just might -- two weeks post-op is a bit early to be in a restaurant.

Enjoy!  :)
on 9/7/08 10:44 am - MA
Thank you.  I agree, 2 wks post op is early, but I couldn't miss it.  I did well, no problems, mashed up 1/2 of a baked potato.  and just a bit of the onion soup - some of the bread topping which was basically mush.     I will continue to do my best to keep liquids and meals separate.  Boy that's hard!  I'm always thirsty!
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