Xpost from MB: question ~ please read and offer any insight

(deactivated member)
on 8/22/08 12:48 am - Decatur, AL
ok so i went to my pcp yesterday about the knee pain that i start experiencing every time i try to run. i've only seen this lady two times prior to this but she's really amazing and i feel very comfortable with her. (idk why my other pcp's never addressed this issue but, they just didn't.) so anywho, i was talking to her about my osteopenia and telling her how i'm taking 50,000 iu's of dry d3 daily and also taking 4,000 mg's of calcium daily to try and regrow my bones where they're thinning. she asked me what kind of therapy i was on for it and i said "um, just what i told you..." and she kinda wigged a little bit and said that i should be on some sort of therapy for the osteopenia and asked who did my dexa scan. i told her and also told her that they were supposed to be sending her the results (which they have not!)

so basically what happened is that she told me to go to the pharmacy and get something with chondroitin and glucosamine in it and take that in addition to my calcium and vitamin d. she also wrote a script for some pain patches for me to use for my knees whenever they start acting up. it's lidoderm which is basically lidocain and you put it on exactly where you're hurting. i went to the pharmacy and while i was looking around for just the right form of glucosamine and chondroitin (has to be crushable and has to have enough of that stuff in it that it's going to make a difference) while she was filling the script for the pain patches. (i also got a bottle of b1 to make up for the thiamin deficiency i'm *probably* in right now from getting two bags of saline this past weekend.)

anywho, the pain patches were like $170-something but i got three boxes of thirty. and since you only use one every 12 hours (12 hours on, 12 hours off) then this prescription should last me about three months. AND THEY WORK!!!! i was SHOCKED! AMAZED!! INTRIGUED!!! omgs, this is so awesome!!! FINALLY i can be pain free AND NOT LOOK LIKE A SEEKER!!!!! oh thank GOD!!!! now i know what to ask for in the future whenever i have weird pains like that!

so here's my question. the glucosamine, chondroitin stuff i got is called flex-a-min triple strength and it has 1500 mg's of glucosamine in it and then 1300mg's of a chondroitin sulfate, msm complex. BUT, it's a COATED tablet (HORSE PILL!!!) which makes it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to break up. (i can't take pills. AT. ALL.) so now i'm thinking i might should've gone with the wafers even though they didn't contain as much of these ingredients as this does. but i got a bottle free which means i have enough for 3 months right here. does anybody out there use this stuff or a similar product? does it work? what version do YOU take and what version (and dosage) would YOU recommend? since i'm already in osteopenia and already am having pains AND i (obviously) malabsorb, what dosage would i need to take of this stuff? just the regular dosage or would i need to double it to be sure that i'm getting enough of it? or what???

any words of wisdom on the glucosamine, chondroitin stuff? how about the b1 (thiamin)? anything else anybody might want to add about osteopenia, calcium, vitamin d, joint pains, pain patches or anything else i've mentioned here? (or just anything you want to tell me in general? )
(deactivated member)
on 8/22/08 11:39 am
Hey Artist,
 I was in the same boat as you, bad knees, a lot of pain and trying to gag down those HUGE horse pills, so I tried this product and I LOVE it! It really seems to be absorbing well and the pain is greatly reduced already and I've only been on it about 10 days now.
 It's the Vitamin Shoppe version of a product called Fluid Motion, (which is THE recommended bone and joint formula, by top bone doc's). These formula contain the glucosamine, chondrotin, msm and a few other things, that are very important for joints, such as cherry extract and boron. These ingredients are NOT found in most liquid formulas amd thats what makes them different and it's what makes them work.
 Here's a link from the Vitamin Shoppe website, showing you which one it is: http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp? id=VS-2412  or ask for item #1631266. Great stuff! Or if you can find it (and you'll pay more for it...), the name-brand version is called Fluid Motion (it's a liquid too).
 I hope this helps!
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