Anyone NOT suffer from malabsorption?

on 8/18/08 7:46 am - Teaneck, NJ
I have not been the best with my vitamins and thought I had done some damage. I went to my doctor and had a full blood workup done (I am 6 months out) and she even tested the thryoid and she told me my levels were PERFECT, if she didn't know I had the surgery she would think I was a normal healthy person. So not that I am advocating skipping the vitamin regimen, but does everyone suffer from malabsorption or just most people?
Pam T.
on 8/18/08 11:44 pm - Saginaw, MI
You're definitely malabsorbing, so don't get too comfortable with non-compliance.  Your body has the ability to store the vitamins it needs for about 6-8 months.  So it's pretty common for lab results to be perfect up until this point... once you hit the one-year mark you'll be seeing the true picture.

Now go take a vitamin or something. 

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(deactivated member)
on 8/19/08 12:14 am
Here is my two cents worth......Right now, you're OK. Your body is using up all of it's "stores" of your vitamins. Especially the "fat-soluble" vitamins, A,D,E & K plus iron and most of your minerals, cause these are the ones your body will "store" for later use.
 Now.....will it remain this way?? NO!!! Please, please, please, get your hiney to a store and buy whatever your doc told you to take, from the very beginning. There is NO WAY your body will maintain these current levels, without supplementation.  You are only 6 months out. If I'm guessing correctly, you don't have much time before you are going to fall to dangerous levels, with all your vitamins. Not meaning to scare you, but it really ****** me off, when doc's (or nurses) make off the cuff remarks like that to newbies, giving them the impression that YOU will be the one who does NOT have to take their vitamins religiously. It is SO NOT TRUE!!!! We all have to take vitamins for life!!!! There is a reason why, so please don't let your levels get so low, where you are going to have to scramble to get them back up again! It is truly not fun, to have iron infusions, etc. when are not compliant with the rules! OK, getting off my soapbox now!! I know you were not advocating skipping your vitamins, but PLEASE keep an eye on your labs! Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones that can get by on just the "basic's" and not have to supplement a lot, like me. I swear, I malabsorb like a DS'er. And I go by my labs, as you should too. This answer to your post was meant as support, in a kind way, not to scare you. Have a great day!
on 8/20/08 10:12 am - VA
Malabsorption is one of factors making you lose weight, so you're "suffering" from it.  :)  However, vitamin loss can take some time, as the other posters mentioned, because your body is using up what you have stored.  The real kick in the shorts is that for some vitamins, once they are low, they may be low for years or EVEN WORSE the damage is done (calcium in your bones is an example).  Please don't make the mistake of thinking that you've made it this far so all is good.  Start taking them now, take a bunch of them and take them every day for the rest of your life if you wanna stay healthy.

I'm sure that the doctor intended to give you a boost by saying everything looked great.  Help her say that in another 6 months and in another 20 years.  :)

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