Nutrition, what can I eat with an Ulcer

(deactivated member)
on 8/15/08 1:08 am - Toronto, Canada
Hi, I've been on liquid and pureed food for 10 weeks post-RYN.  I've only been able to keep down mashed banana, applesauce, yoghurt (no fat, no sugar) and milk.  I was told that I had a stricture at 2 1/2 weeks post-surgery and that I had to wait until 10 weeks to have it widened.  Two days ago, I had the stricture widened and was told that I now have an ulcer.  Explains the stomach pains.  I've been throwing up several times a day, daily since 2 weeks post surgery.  Can you tell me what kinds of foods I should be eating now?  My food choices have been getting smaller since I whenever I introduce new foods I just throw them up.  Haven't had any protein since surgery and am getting worried.  Can't take supplements as I throw them up whole or ground up.  When I had my blood work done 1 month post-surgery was told that my Vitamin D and potassium were low.  Any suggestions as to what I should be doing?  My nutritionist/dietician is on vacation and won't be seeing her until Sept. 15.
on 8/16/08 2:08 am - Highlands, NJ
I'm sorry for your troubles. You've already lost a whole lot of weight, so you must be feeling great other than this eating problem. Good thing you're not hungry, eh?

Are you able to drink protein shakes? I mix my calcium and liquid Centrum vitamins in them, and take care of the "necessaries" this way. Actually, my husband is making them for me because I get a bit depressed even though this surgery is the best thing that has ever happened for me weight-wise. I've never been able to fix food just for myself. I always cook for a gang. (I'm the eldest of 12, and was the chief cook and bottlewasher to help my mother.) Preparing small amounts of anything, even a shake, just doesn't compute with me yet. But enough about me.

Maybe you'll be able to eat some baby food. Mashed potatoes are very soothing as well.

It's a pity your nut is on vacation while you're having these problems. Has your doc prescribed something like Prevacid for your ulcer? I know you're pouch isn't producing a lot of acid, but if you're on any pain meds or the like, they can be tough on the pouch. I take a pain med for arthritis and back and hip problems, and the doc added the Prevacid to prevent ulcers from the meds. I'm grateful for this because they do cause nausea otherwise.

Good luck to you and look after yourself. I'm sure these problems will be sorted out in good time and you'll be fit as a fiddle. You've made a life-affirming choice, and it will come to fruition in good time. You've already come a long way, the finish is in sight.

Best wishes,
(deactivated member)
on 8/18/08 4:14 am - Toronto, Canada

Hi Mryllin,

Hungry?  I have to FORCE myself to eat.  I don't want to do it, it hurts, it makes me sick, the sight or smell of food can set me off, hasn't been pleasant.  In fact, I'd rather have lost less weight and not been sick than how I've been.

As for protein shakes - I've tried a couple of kinds and they also make me throw up.  I haven't been able to take any vitamins for the same reason.  The thought of baby food makes my stomach roll over - same with mashed potatoes.  I did try mashed potatoes before and could get a bit down but right now, everything seems to be coming back at me.

I've been taking Prevacid - 120mgs per day since August 5th, haven't seen any improvement in the pain or the sickness yet - hopefully soon.

Thanks for replying to my post.

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