Protein and vitamins are driving me crazy!

on 8/7/08 6:08 am
I had RNY surgery 17 days ago. I'm still struggling with the same old things.

I can't seem to make my body accept them. I've tried to be a "big girl" and just do it but end up throwing up. I'm tired of complaining about it but I am just having so much problems!!!

Protein: I have tried so many different ways to get it in! I've tried nectar products, unjury, EAS, protein bullet, isopure vanilla. It makes me want to cry. I'm so frustrated! I couldn't do the nectar, isopure, or unjury at all. I could get in a little EAS but it was taking me 4 days to drink just 1 shake and now it is giving me problems too. Then newest thing I have tried is the protein bullet this morning. It was kind of sour... which was actually a relief, that is better than super sweet. I have to admit I was scared to drink it. All the shakes that I have gotten down previously would make me super gassy and my tummy hurt. It is scary to think of doing that again. But I know how important it is to get it in. I'm willing to try... I pray for something to work for me. I drank it and it was "ok" before... it was going down, 1 tiny sip at a time. Gross. But it was getting in me. Since I was having a little trouble, but it was going down, I started timing my sips at about 2 minutes at a time. That way I could sip and then let my tummy settle. By the 5th sip or so I was so overcome with nausea. I tried and tried not to throw up. I figured I got it down, now I want it to stay down. I did deep breathing and fanned myself. I was up-chucking a minute later. Mostly dry heaves... which I'm kind of greatful for... cause that means most of what I got down stayed in me. I have 1 more different protein thing in the fridge to try maybe tomorrow when my tummy is fresh. Right now it is so sensitive. I'm almost  constantly queasy. Tomorrow I will try the RTD Isopure Peach Melon drink. I'm so scared and frustrated. I am able to get in the tiniest little bit of food. I ate 2-3 oz of wendy's chili pureed (it was good) and a different day I ate 1 oz of baby food turkey and 1oz of butternut squash babyfood. I'm worried about my body falling apart without the proper nutrition. I'm worried that I will have to take protein pills that will give me just as much problem as anything else I put in my body. I'm worried about damaging my health in a permanent way. I know I need to fix this pronto, I'm just not sure how I go about doing it.

Vitamins: I can get them down. They are chewable but they are more like 4 bites than 1. They are so big. When I chew them up they dry out my mouth so bad and I feel like I have to swallow them before they are chewed enough. They feel like a mouth full of sand. I drink a little water with them and you would think that would help but I kinda makes me feel like throwing up even more. My tummy hurts so bad after I take my vitamins. I usually need several minutes to recover from taking them. I feel queasy and sore afterwards. It makes taking them so difficult. The vitamins I am taking are Celebrate Bariatric Vitamin in Orange flavor. Celebrate Bariatric Calcium + D in strawberry. And I have some free samples of Iron that I am taking. It is so unpleasant that I find myself procrastinating taking them. I am not doing what is best for my body. I try to "just do it". It sucks right now. Is there a better way?

I feel like I do pretty good with water. I don't get it all in but I probably get in 30- 40 oz a day. That seems to be about all I can do at this point. It just goes in so slow and then I have to stop around eating time. Another confession, I am only eating maybe 1 or 2 times a day. My tummy is usually so messed up from trying to get in protein or vitamins that I can't stomach eating more than that.

What can I do? I've been so weak and so emotional. I'm glad I had surgery but this part sucks. I knew there would be challenges, but you just never know which ones you are going to be dealt.

on 8/7/08 9:14 am - Jamestown, CA
3 words, Hon...CALL YOUR SURGEON!!!

What are you mixing with your protein powder??

on 8/7/08 10:49 am
I just mix it with water. I've tried room temp and cold water. I follow the package directions for the proportions on the shakes and then just drink what I can... well I at least measure out 1 oz or so and try to drink it. After just 1 tsp tho I have to force myself to swallow and then rinse with water and brush my teeth. I would be woosie and gaggy for several minutes after trying not to throw up.

I seem to be super sensitive to the taste and smell. Even if I can't smell it the taste still rocks my world and I can't seem to get it down.

on 8/7/08 7:15 pm - MA
There is a liquid protein out there.  You only take about a Tablespoon at a time.  I can't
remember the name.  Try googling it.
Opportunity may knock once, but temptation
bangs on your front door forever and ever.
(deactivated member)
on 8/7/08 10:49 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

First, don't panic about not being able to get all your protein in a 17 days post-op; it takes a lot of folks several weeks to be able to get in the minimum protein recommendations on a daily basis.  Second, I couldn't stand any of the better/higher end liquid proteins - they all just totally grossed me out.  The only thing I could get down was No Sugar Added Carnation Instant Breakfast.  I'd make it with skim milk and add 1/4-1/3 of nonfat powdered milk for additional protein.  I'd make it up in the morning, and it would usually take me most of the day to drink it, in 2 oz. portions. 

After 2-3 weeks, I was able to add pureed foods - mostly ate cottage cheese smooshed up with Splenda, and refried beans w/ fat-free cheese shreds.  I also had good luck with Wendy's chili, which I'd puree in the blender or food processor at first, but after a couple weeks I could just eat it and chew, chew, chew... 

Regarding the vitamins, I took Flintstones chewables until I'd finished two bottles of them.  Not the world's best vitamins, but it's actually what my nutritionist recommended because they generally don't upset your pouch.  I did not start the rest of the full supplement regime until I was about 3 months out - not what I'd necessarily recommend for other folks, but my bloodwork has always been fine, so it worked for me. 

Regarding feeling so emotional, women store excess estrogen in our adipose/fat tissue.  So when you lose a lot of weight very quickly, that excess estrogen is released into your system, and can put you on an emotional roller coaster!  It can be a rough ride for a few months, but it does even out eventually.  The excess estrogen can also cause you to have "extra" periods - my menstrual cycle was totally out of whack for 6-8 months; now it's back to normal. 

Good luck on your continuing journey - the first few weeks are the roughest, but all in all, it's a great ride :-)


on 8/8/08 8:47 am
I called my surgeon this morning and they had me come in right away. They really listened to what was going on. They gave me two shots. I hate shots and needles but I was really glad to get them. I just want to have a healthy body. I want to get through this rough time and come out the other side successful. They gave me a B12 super shot and thiamin. They said the thiamin would maybe help with the near constant nausea. I don't know how long it is supposed to take to work. They also advised me to stick with one protein shake and try to do 1 oz at a time. The EAS was going down and staying down so I think I will try to use that one. They also told me that I could eat the Wendy's chili one oz at a time. They would like to see me eat about 4 times a day (I think that's what they said.). But if I eat the small portions I might be able to do it. I'll give it a try. I still feel a little queasy, but honestly all I've had is water today. I'm going to try the ricotta bake stuff from eggface's blog. Or maybe Wendy's chili.

I didn't confess about the vitamins. I am just gonna keep on trying my best to get them down one way or another.

I also have been dealing with constipation all week. They recommended Miralax. I am so scared. That really doesn't mean anything tho I guess. EVERYTHING SCARES ME NOW. I'm scared I'm gonna drink it and puke.

I am supposed to check in with the Dr on Monday to let them know if things are better or not. If not then they plan to scope me. That doesn't sound nice. But really I hope that I can make some progress this weekend. I hope.

on 8/8/08 11:13 am - Philadelphia, PA
Prostat is the liquid protien and Centruim has a liquid vit which I take it is gross , but better then chew those vits . Talk with your surgeon but he/she is only going to be concerned with you getting in fliuds at this early out STAY HYDRATED (sp). Best wishes!

wicked aries
on 8/12/08 12:48 am - MA
ohhh daisy I feel your pain! I'm 3 weeks out and STILL cannot tolerate protein, and I've tried just about all of them. The only thing I find myself able to gag down are the protein bullets (42gr) and that takes me all day. I have a small open incision from lap that they had to leave open so it's healing from the inside out, and the only thing that will help is protein. I see my NUT tomorrow and this question is going to be at the top of my list! By the way, any chance your lactose intolerent now? I am, and never was before...Good Luck!
Count your blessings, not your worries

on 8/12/08 3:29 am
I don't "think" I am lactose intolerant. I seemed to handle skim milk fine. I go to see my doctor again this afternoon. They said I might possibly have a stenosis. I've been having a lot of pain in my upper right abdomin. I can't keep protein liquid down. Honestly even the "P" word makes me queasy at this point. I feel like crap.
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