Unable to keep anything down for LONG time

on 7/19/08 1:44 am - Lansing, MI
I am over 4 years out, and have vomited almost every day since my surgery. I have no trouble with liquids, and occasionally, some things will stay down. I have lost over 200 pounds, and while I would like to lose 10-15 more, I probably don't need to. I am worried about my teeth, my esophagus, and my stomach from so much vomiting. I know it's terrible on the body. My surgeon left practice Aug of 2004, and other than my GP, no other docs in the area are comfortable treating me.

I am wondering about strictures or ulcers? At 32, I don't want to lose all of my teeth or develop esophageal cancer.

Any advice? 
on 7/19/08 2:07 am - AR
I'm sure you know that if you have vomited EVERY DAY since your surgery that this is a problem that you have had dealt with LONG AGO. 

You need to see an experienced bariatric surgeon (even if it means driving a few hours away) and get him to look at you.  He will probably want to look at your stoma since this has been a problem since surgery (your original surgeon may have made it too small so it may need to be enlarged). 

Or he may look at it and tell you it is all in your head and to get counseling.  But either way, go see someone, like, YESTERDAY. 

You have already undoubtedly put yourself at markedly increased risk of esophageal cancer and damage to your teeth.  Don't wait any longer.  4 years is long enough. 
on 7/19/08 2:27 am - Lansing, MI
I actually have seen numerous doctors, including some at the Cleveland Clinic. I had an upper GI Dec of 2005, and everything appeared fine. But that was done by an Gastro, not a Bari doc. This has been something my GP has been trying to treat himself, and some days are better than others. Being taken off Nexium helped reduce the number of times I got sick a day, but it still continues.

It's not all in my head. I am not bulimic, I do not intentionally make myself vomit. I take my supplements, drink my fluids, and am trying to use my tool correctly. *grin* I am really not a glutton for punishment. I just want to get my body as healthy as it can be.

My surgeon left due to malpractice, and short of driving to Cleveland from where I am, I have found no docs who want to treat me. I have four children, and cannot afford to travel to Cleveland numerous times a month.
on 7/19/08 2:36 am - AR
I would do what it took to get a bariatric surgeon to look at you.  An upper GI doc is probably not used to seeing post-ops insides, so he probably wouldn't know what normal for us looks like. 

Maybe it's a tolerance issue. 

Is it a certain food or certain TYPES of food that make you sick?  Have you tried eliminating certain foods from your diet to see if that eliminated the vomiting problem?

Maybe you have adult onset allergies that is causing your body to reject certain things that have been staples in your diet for years? 
on 7/19/08 2:50 am - Lansing, MI
I never thought about allergies. I have always had a cow's milk sensitivity, even as a baby, and I also have a shellfish allergy, so no seafood for me. I have the hardest time with protein. Meats, beans...generally I eat about three to four bites and I am sick. I have been trying to develop a liking for eggs, but, the smell makes me nauseous. *that, is in my head, I know:P*

My GP is really trying to help me find a Bari doc, and is referring me to a NUT for the interim. I don't eat junk, and try to get my protein first. I have noticed anything dense makes me sick, no matter how much I chew.
on 7/22/08 10:17 pm - Lexington, MA

I had a VSG and find the same problem when it comes to dense foods.  Any help wil be greatly appreciated.
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