How do I get my appetite back

on 7/8/08 4:45 am
I am 15 months out with a total weight loss of 120 pounds.  I am 9 pounds from goal. I have recently started weight training.  I want to promote muscle growth in preparation for plastic surgery to remove excess skin.  All of the weight training support groups on Body for Life encourage me to eat more calories in order to sustain my weight training. The problem is that I have no appetite.  I force myself to eat 900-1100 calories a day.  I  make sure I get at least 100 grams of protein in daily.  But I have to force eating: I have no appetite for any food at all.  Sometimes just cooking food and smelling it leaves me feeling so sick that I then cannot eat the food.   I live pretty much on yogurt with soy isolate protein powder added and cottage cheese.  Most meats are so difficult to eat that I can get only 2-3 ounces in at any given time.  Eating meat tends to make me sick to my stomach.  I get in protein with chewing soy nuts or eating peanut butter on multi-grain crackers.   I have no appetite at all and never get hungry.  Sometimes I feel that eating is not worth the effort and wish there were just a pill I could take.  I take multi-vitamin, B-100 complex, biotin, calcium citrate daily.  I usually am able to get in 64 ounces of water.   I work out every other day with weights.  I don't do cardio because right now I cannot afford the calorie expenditure.  I suffer from extreme fatigue. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
K B (Tucson)
on 7/8/08 9:30 am - Tucson, AZ
This question really needs a nutritionist or doc for a good answer.  My response is perhaps to increase your carb intake - bread, pasta, etc.  I know I feel more hungry after eatiang carbs AND real athletes "carb load" before tough workouts to help them out.  This may help with your appetite and help you feel less tired.  it's worth a try?  Good luck.
on 7/9/08 5:37 am
Thanks for the feedback Tuscson. Unfortunately carbs usually make me "dump" because they break down into sugars.  I can only tolerate about 1/2 cup of any kind of carbs.  Bread just sits like a rock in my stomach so I don't eat bread except maybe a slice of extra crispy toast a couple of times a month.  I can do crackers (whole grain) and pretzels so maybe I will try those for snacks with peanut butter for the protein. Thanks!
This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
K B (Tucson)
on 7/9/08 5:43 am - Tucson, AZ
I understand.  I can't "do" bread either.  BUt, perhaps you can slowly and wisely increase your carb intake and see if your appetite is stimulated.  I still think a nutritionist or bariatric doc will have much sounde ideas for you. Good luck.
on 7/10/08 12:32 am
I am trying--that is why I posted here.  Because this site is supposed to be reviewed by actual nutritionists but I have noticed that advice and help on this particular message board comes very slowly. Since my surgery was done in India, I have no doctor to consult (except by e-mail) and no local nutritionist.  My only support group is via this website and a few people here in Las Vegas that get together once a year.  None of them seem to be having the same eating issues that I have, however.  They are all worried about eating too much while I don't want to eat at all! Thanks for the advice and help.  You are the only one *****sponded.
This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
Shelly H.
on 7/11/08 6:24 am - Norman, OK
Any of your local hospitals should have registered dieticians on staff. Also, if any of the hospitals in your area has practicing bariatric surgeons, they should have registered dieticians, too. Try contacting your local hospital or an area bariatric surgeons office and making an appt. with a dietician. I believe all hospitals have dieticians available for consults. The fee is generally really reasonable, too. Good Luck!
Blessings and Best Wishes! Shelly

I'm a 52.5 yr. old female with chronic illness ... exercising and riding a bike daily! : )

on 7/12/08 3:19 am - AR

I was going to suggest more carbs too until I read the previous replies. 

Do you dump on more complex carbs?  (Sugar free breads or double fiber breads?)

 Also, you can add calories without adding more solids.  There are a lot of good caloric drinks that are healthy for you.  V8 vegetable juice, cow milks, almond milk, etc. 

Good luck!

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