6 Weeks out, 26# down but stuck and frustrated...advice welcomed

on 6/16/08 11:44 am - Katy, TX
Hey All I posted this on the VSG Message Board but wanted to seek ya'll's advice also.
I know there have been many post on this but today Ineeded a personal touch from you all.

Today is 6 weeks since surgery (May 5) and I am only down 26 pounds. 263 from 289.(@ 5'11")
I am bummed. I eat very little and when I do it is protein first.
Examples of what I eat:
Chicken, Eggs, Cheese, Beans, Bacon, Turkey Sausage,Fruit and raw veggies
(rarely more than one meal a day...just not hungry)

Ok...here is where you all will get onto me...MY WATER.  I try so hard and I just do not drink water, Crystal Light, or Protein Bullets very well.  <30oz a day.

IS THIS MY WEIGHT LOSS PROBLEM? Do I need to get my behind in gear and get the water down and then will I see results?

I walk 1.5 miles every evening around 8pm (It is  HOT in Texas) 

I think I should be losing weight and I just am not.

HELP...please.  I am so frustrated.

I will follow all advice given...no matter how hard.  I researched, planned and looked forward to this surgery tool for too long to NOT follow what I need to do to lose the weight.

Tracy in texas




(deactivated member)
on 6/16/08 11:44 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

I had RNY, so don't know the specifics of what happens with VSG.  I can offer a couple comments though.  First, not getting enough fluids can slow things down.  It's important to stay well hydrated, so I'd encourage you to work on that.  If you can't stank water or crystal light or protein bullets, find something things you do like.  There are lots of non-carbonated, no/low calories beverages available in the market today; find some things and try them.  Eventually you'll find something that agrees with you.  One specific suggestion it Kellogg's protein water - two birds, one stone (fluids and protein).  I just tried the iced tea flavor - it was a bit sweet for my taste, so I'll water it down the next time.   Second, many folks have a stall somewhere between 4-8 weeks after surgery.  Your body is just super confused about what's going on and it's taking it's own version of a time out.  Just keep doing what you are doing - protein first, working harder on staying hydrated, walking for exercise - and you will lose, trust me.  Also, you mention that you're only eating once a day - I don't know much about VSG, but it sounds like you may not be getting in enough calories.  Try spreading your food throughout the day, even if you're only eating a little bit each time.   I know it's hard not to get frustrated with the stall, but try to be patient.  You will lose and you will be successful, but it will take some time....   Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie

on 6/16/08 11:48 pm - Monticello, AR
Hi Tracy, I'll take a shot at helping you out.  I don't know anything about the VSG but I'm assuming it follows the same guidelines as the RNY, or close to it at least.  DO NOT DESPAIR...YOUR TOOL WILL WORK....it just takes a little time.  At 6wks. post op I had only lost 13lbs.....and that all came off the first week.  Then suddenly overnight I lost 4lbs. and after that I lost pretty steadily 1-2lbs. a week.  Have you taken your measurements yet?  If not, do so pronto.  I discovered that although  I wasn't losing actual pounds the inches were coming off....try it, I'm willing to bet you're losing inches.  Now, about the fluids....YES, GET YOUR REAR IN GEAR AND JUST DO IT!  I know its hard, believe me I know, but getting enough fluids is crucial and it could very well be why your weight loss has slowed.  Do you like milk, chocolate milk?  You can take fat free milk and add a couple of squirts of sugar free chocolate syrup and you have chocolate milk....milk counts as fluids and I drink two glasses a day most days, plus the milk will give you calcium and protein.  You can also sweeten your Crystal Light with Splenda....I love CL lemonade sweetened with splenda, you can't really tell its not regular lemonade....even my husband will drink it.  I would say you're not eating enough if you're only eating one meal a day, but at 6 weeks out that may not be the case.  Hopefully someone else can/will give you advice about that.  My best advice to you is to take it one day at a time....concentrate on getting your protein and fluids in today, worry about tomorrow when it gets here....before you know it you'll be in an established routine and you won't even have to think about it, you'll just do it daily.  I hope this helps you some.  Your body just may be trying to adjust to the weight you've already lost, which is awesome by the way.  Good luck!

Day of surgery weight/BMI:  246/44.9
Goal weight:  135
Current weight/BMI135/24.6---GOAL!!!!!!!!!
Total pounds lost:  111


K B (Tucson)
on 6/17/08 11:16 am - Tucson, AZ
Look, you are doing quite well for a newby. The weight is not going to disappear like magic.  You need to keep following your post op diet, EXCERCISE and know that you must take in adequate calories and liquid for wl to happen.  26 lb in less than 2 months is excellent.
on 6/18/08 12:09 am - Medford, MA
I had RNY on 11/27/07 and by 01/08/08 (6 weeks), I'd lost about 21 pounds.  290 to 269.  (I'd lost 25 pounds pre-surgery.) I had stalls like you wouldn't  believe both before and after the 6 week mark.  I still do.  Last week I reached a new low, suddenly regained 5 pounds over the weekend (Huh?), and then lost all that and 3 pounds more the following week, and all during that time I was as virtuous as I could be.  This is extremely nerve-wracking, and either our surgeons and NUTs don't emphasize this pattern enough OR we just don't hear or register this during our pre-op sessions! I always thought it was crap, but I had to admit that everyone had been right when they claimed to have "lost inches" even during a multi-week stall.  Your actual weight is dependent on all sorts of things, and your body is going to hold on to water during these periods until it will suddenly release it over a short couple of days.  Whenever I stall, my weight loss usually catches up quickly, unless the stall is really due to slacking off and falling back into bad (or at least less good) eating and exercise habits. My advice to you: best to expect these stalls, get used to them, and don't let them discourage you OR encourage you to be less vigilant with your diet and exercise, because the weight WILL come off in the long run! /Steve
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