12 days post op...ate the wrong thing?
being post op myself I can not give you a definate answer, but as a nurse on the bariatric floor and recent surgical patient I guess I have some questions..
how was the chicken prepared?was it dry? chewy? crunchy?
Did you chew your food until it was mush???
These are things to consider before you call your doctor, and dont be afraid to call that is what they are there for, I had surgery Monday and I have already called twice! LOL They are there to help us so we dont stres our selves out tooo much!
Love Tam
You are still early out and your insides are still a bit swollen. I remember eating scrambled eggs and being horribly uncomfortable for about 12 hours and then they came back up! Who knew they would still be in my tummy that long? The surgeon told me it was just from my stomach and outlet into the intestines still being swollen. Good luck!
Hi I'm 13 months out and I still don't eat chicken well. When I do eat it with the family I can only eat about 1/2 of a thigh if I'm lucky. If I cook it in a sauce Like low-fat chicken pot pie I do better. Or in a soup. But just a grilled thigh oh ^*&^ no doesn't work at all. And a breast you can forget about that all together. Just relax and let the pain pass
That's all I could do. Sometimes my body let me get rid of it but not very often. You may also want to try smaller bites. I have to do that with chicken too. It's just not my friend
Feel better

Somethimes chicken never works. I am 2 1/2 years out and can't eat chicken. My surgeon explained that there is a special enzyme in chicken that is broken down by stomach acid. Little stomach acid=no digestion of chicken.
My dear, two weeks after surgery, why ever are you eating chicken? Did your surgeon provide any nutritional guidelines on different eating stages?
"All we must do is decide what to do with the time given us."--Gandalf, LOTR
"All we must do is decide what to do with the time given us."--Gandalf, LOTR