New food Allergies!
I have a intolerance for the same foods that you do and soy. I stay away from soy and tofu foods. I researched in and i found a lot of soy -free protein powders. My Endo Dr said that Soy/Tofu is grown differently here in the US. It is not the same as it is grown in Japan. Their Soy is a lot better and healthier. Because It is NOT Genetically Modified Food - (GM) Read more about GM foods HERE
The best soy-free proteins i really love and enjoy are the Pea Protein Powder and the Brown Rice protein powder.
also i use brewer's yeast. It has protein in it and also It has tons of vitamins that we need. I sprinkle it in my yogurts, cottage cheese and protein shakes.
to be honest , when I first tried the rice protein shake , i thought it was kind of chalky. But i don't care , i need my protein and i will NOT drink the other protein powders ever! Because they all have soy in them. and I feel so bloated and gassy with the other protein powders. I will not drink them ever. I only drink rice protein and pea protein shakes. all organic and non -GMO proteins.
The pea protein is very tasty it is sweet. you'll love that protein. I enjoy it a lot.
you'll get to like the rice protein ... i did, and NOW i really love the rice protein a lot.
when you do buy soy free protein powders make sure it is a non-GMO protein powder. If you need to stay away from soy and the other allergy foods , i assume you already know what non- GMO means. If not , you can look it up in also read this here - how to shop for non-GMO foods. Bascially , people like you and I should eat organic and gluten free foods. Because it is allergy free of soy, wheat, dairy, nuts...etc.....Also when you eat cheese, buy cheese that are rBGH-free Dairy products Read the labels on all your foods. and you will get to know the foods a lot better. Shop at Trader Joe's and other health food stores. If you are going to eat SOY foods - make sure it says non-GMO soy. and make sure it doesn't have Soy Lecithin in the ingredients as well
Educate yourself and get to know these things , because now you really need to detox your body from all these foods. Your body WILL ADJUST.... JUST be patients and hang in there!!
it took me about 4- 5 months to get my body back to normal again.
Just really STICK TO eating organic/ gluten free foods. SHOP only at Trader Joes. I love that store :-)
good luck to you
Hugs & Kisses

Hugs & Kisses