New food Allergies!

on 6/6/08 10:19 am - Port Neches, TX
HELP!!!! It seems, after weeks of painful, toxic flatulence, that I am now "allergic"/intolerant of many of the basic (staple) foods in my diet. i.e. All dairy products (now including cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt), peanuts & peanut butter, onions, lettuce and bell peppers, wheat products (including whey protein - which I use for my protein shakes!) Now what is a girl to eat? Does anyone out there have a copy of the 10 day plateau buster diet?  My doctor thinks that if I go back to the basics for a while, my body might just correct itself!? Luv ya'll and thanks for all the help and support. Tonette
on 6/6/08 11:58 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
forget about the 10 day plateau buster diet. i went through the samething! YES ... the body does correct itself. So NOT to worry. :-)  This is how you do it. Stick to this diet. - EAT only organic / gluten -free foods for a few months, including COFFEE/TEA's. Go buy THIS coffee instead of drinking regular coffee. Herbal Coffee - CLICK HERE Stay away from all those foods. Stay away from Soy/Tofu foods as well. For protein powders, you need to by non-GMO protein powders ONLY! Vitamin Shoppe has a lot of them there. go to their website and research

I have a intolerance for the same foods that you do and soy. I stay away from soy and tofu foods. I researched in and i found a lot of soy -free protein powders. My Endo Dr said that Soy/Tofu is grown differently here in the US. It is not the same as it is grown in Japan. Their Soy is a lot better and healthier. Because It is NOT Genetically Modified Food - (GM)  Read more about GM foods HERE

The best soy-free proteins i really love and enjoy are the Pea Protein Powder and the Brown Rice protein powder.

also i use brewer's yeast. It has protein in it and also It has tons of vitamins that we need. I sprinkle it in my yogurts, cottage cheese and protein shakes.

to be honest , when I first tried the rice protein shake , i thought it was kind of chalky. But i don't care , i need my protein and i will NOT drink the other protein powders ever! Because they all have soy in them. and I feel so bloated and gassy with the other protein powders. I will not drink them ever. I only drink rice protein and pea protein shakes. all organic and non -GMO proteins.

The pea protein is very tasty it is sweet. you'll love that protein. I enjoy it a lot.

you'll get to like the rice protein ... i did, and NOW i really love the rice protein a lot.

when you do buy soy free protein powders make sure it is a non-GMO protein powder. If you need to stay away from soy and the other allergy foods , i assume you already know what non- GMO means. If not , you can look it up in also read this here  - how to shop for non-GMO foods.  Bascially , people like you and I should eat organic and gluten free foods. Because it is allergy free of soy, wheat, dairy, nuts...etc.....Also when you eat cheese, buy cheese that are rBGH-free Dairy products Read the labels on all your foods. and you will get to know the foods a lot better. Shop at Trader Joe's and other health food stores. If you are going to eat SOY foods - make sure it says non-GMO soy. and make sure it doesn't have Soy Lecithin in the ingredients as well
Educate yourself and get to know these things , because now you really need to detox your body from all these foods. Your body WILL ADJUST.... JUST be patients and hang in there!! it took me about 4- 5 months to get my body back to normal again.  Just really STICK TO eating organic/ gluten free foods. SHOP only at Trader Joes. I love that store :-)
good luck to you

Hugs & Kisses

on 6/9/08 2:26 am - Port Neches, TX
Lizzy, Thanks for all the helpful information, as overwhelming as it may be! I am also wondering if the extreme regimine of meds my doc has me on for ulcers has anything to do with my new food allergies?!!! I checked out some of the sights you recommended and have ordered the herbal coffee sampler pack (just to try it out)  I love herbal teas, so we'll see how this goes.  I have also ordered the pea protein powder.  I kinda got away from my protein shakes for a while as they began tasting horribly and gave me painful gas.  I just need to get back into it again.   How much do you know about artificial sweeteners and their effects on the body?  I can't seem to find much info on this. Thank you for all your help. Tonette
on 6/9/08 2:49 am, edited 6/9/08 2:51 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hi Tonette, don't get over whelmed. I know you can easily get that way because I WAS TOO! Herbs and Foods May Lead to Complications If You Take Them with certain Drugs... although i am not a Dr. so I don't know if your uclers have anything to do with your food allergies ... what I do know is that if you keep on eating organic and gluten free foods, your body will go back to normal again. you are going to like the pea protein. yes regular protein powders do give you gas. the whey in the protein does this to many wls patients. Stick to this protein for now until your body adjusts. artificial sweeteners certainly do have effects on the body. I use Stevia. Buy Stevia. and use it instead of the other sweetners. Stevia is a natural sweetner from a plant. and the other sweetners ONLY TRIGGER you to eat MORE sweets. Plus they are very bad for us. Splenda, Equal, etc...Don't use them anymore. USE STEVIA. read up on Stevia. it is a GREAT Sub. for sugar. CLICK HERE - When you first use it , use only the tip of the teaspoon. it is very sweet. So at first only use a little bit. Then increase the amount as you get use to Steiva. Ok ? you'll get back on track again. hey ....I did it , and now i feel a lot better. :-) I know you can to! Stay with this diet, okay ?  Also Drink Calorie count down fat free milk and add your protein powder to it. in the future...for next time if you need any info on anything. you can research ANYTHING you want in  just type in your question in the subject area in and you will get TONS of website to help you out with your problems if you have any other questions you can email me anytime. hugss good luck and DO NOT STRESS IT. ;-) YOU will be OK!! HANG IN THERE!! Remember it will take a few months to get back to normal again about 5-6 months - exercise , drink your water , take your vitamins do what you always do and keep yourself HEALTHY! :-) please just stick with this diet and you will be OK!!! Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

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